Why Did I Not Gain More Weight?

So yesterday I had an In-and-Out Double-Double burger with cheese (and the bun!). I finished it off with Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Before that I had 210 calories in Nabisco Premium Saltine Crackers.

I expected to pay dearly for all that this morning but I weigh the same as yesterday. I suspect the reason is in this article:

Losing Water Weight: How Carbs Really Work: https://bit.ly/2nkvUez

In it, the author writes:

"...This also explains why plenty of folks experience an alarming weight gain in the day just following a cheat meal. Even if the ingested carbs are at a moderate level (i.e. consumption of a grilled cheese sandwich, not an entire deep-fried birthday cake), your liver and muscles snatch up as much glucose as they can take, including up to four grams of water accompany each gram of glycogen..."

So I decided to skip the French Fries. The crackers were a bad idea, but I was on a serious carb binge that I could not mentally control. What I was able to control was my decision to go for a 5 mile run after eating the crackers. I think that helped.

Still I expected to pay more on the scale. But, while the article points out that carbs cause the scale to go up faster (and carb depletion causes the scale to go down faster) it does not disagree with CICO (Calories In Calories Out) dogma described in: You Are Not Different: https://bit.ly/2I1NzSr

My diet calendar (https://bit.ly/2wV6Lgr) shows I still had a deficit yesterday. However, if I ate the fries at In-And-Out I suspect I would have been up at least a pound.

All this becomes academic on Monday when I re-start the 5 day fast (no solid food for 5 days and water only for the final 2 1/2 days). I can't wait. I dislike the emotional up and down my brain involuntarily feels from the blood sugar rise and fall and the need to "feel full" when eating.

When fasting all that goes away.
86.6 kg これまでの減量分: 7.3 kg.    残り: 12.2 kg.    ダイエット続き: 不十分.

1121 kcal 脂質: 64.15g | たんぱく質: 47.28g | 炭水化物: 91.62g.   朝食: Nature's Way MCT Oil, Colcafe Cappuccino Mix French Vanilla Coffee. 夕食: Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Lettuce, Flame Broiler Fllame Broiler Tofu (side), Ground Meat. 軽食/その他: General Mills Frosted Cheerios. もっと...
2747 kcal 運動: 走る(ジョギング) - 時速8km - 1 時間, 休憩 - 15 時間, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...

21 人のサポーター    いいね!   

@MillaLite - I mostly write these journals for "my future self". I have been on this site for nearly decade and only now have I journaled about what I am feeling and thinking. If I gain the weight back and have to start over, I will re-read this journey to see what changed in me... and what I need to change back. 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: adefwebserver
If u want them for urself u can change the settings to private n that way we won’t comment 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: rosio19
@rosio19 - I welcome the comments! 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: adefwebserver
The water/carb connection does make sense thought I don't think its the complete picture, at least for me. For sure it is a significant component in the sort term ups and downs that I will be keeping in mind. You are doing a great job tying different things together and applying them in a fashion that works for you and I appreciate the insight you provide. 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: JLente
@JLente - Thanks. Yes, I am still working things out as I go along. Future evidence and experience may change my views. At the present, I am a CICO who still has to acknowledge phenomenon like my gaining 8 pounds a week ago but, not gaining weight yesterday. 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: adefwebserver
Ok than great 😃 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: rosio19
I find sometimes that the damage doesn't show on the scale for 2 days after a poor eating choice. Not sure why, but it happens to me. 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
@Fritzy 22 - I agree. Tomorrow will be interesting. However, today I plan to do another 5 mile run, walk 15k steps, and eat as low carb as I possibly can (<50 carbs).  
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: adefwebserver
Kudos for your 5 mile burn, but that's the bad thing about keto, and Atkins, I felt like binging often, or dreaming about food. Now that I do low carb is better because I eat more carbs so less cravings. Of course I am deprived, but still I feel good doesn't control as much. Good luck with your out of control situation, I hope you find those tools that can help you. Of course, one of them is to get as far away from food, so is not there to eat. Take care.  
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: Damaris Berdut
@Damaris Berdut - When I am not fasting I am "treading water". My 8 pound weight gain (while working out daily and trying to eat one meal a day) shows me what doesn't work for me :( That's why the tool that works for me is to fast. The good news is that I avoid hunger and "carb cravings". The bad part is the 'mental desire to eat for pleasure'.  
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@Draglist - Yes this is my thinking also. I also think that my 5 mile runs helps "flush" the glycogen from my system (and the 3-4 grams of water with it). I always see a 1-3 pound drop after a run (yes I sweat on the run, but not 3 pounds!). On the day after a run I only gain 1 pound at the most no matter how much I eat the day of the run. This is why I am SERIOUSLY considering dropping to "water only" on Monday rather than on Wednesday. While I expect I wont see the huge 3 pound drops a day that I have been getting (I think these were basically "water Weight" flushes), I should be into real fat burning. Lets see what I decide. My concern is possible hunger by not "stepping down" a few days first. I don't do hunger, too painful :) 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@Draglist - I just finished the 5 mile run (60 minutes with an average Heart Rate of 149 = 800 calories). Jumped on the scale and it reads 189! Lets see what happens next. I have 300 calories of the Haagen-Dazs left in the refrigerator from yesterday and there is no way it will survive the night :) I predict the scale will say 190-191 because while my calories tonight wont be over 1000 (so the fat stored should be less than a pound (3,500 calories equals about 1 pound) my body will probably fill up on glycogen (and the 3-4 grams of water with it), resulting in a pound or two. However, as you say, my body may not do that. 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@MillaLite, @Bethlauren8, @dhatura, @DO N OK, @Vickiauntmick, @thsiun, @Draglist, @Miraculum, @TomLong, @Chessire, @tahoebrun, @Anonb, @drshellking, @swankelly, @Lellany, @Sunshine250, @brookofmirkwood - Thank you for the support! 
2018年 05月 20日 投稿者: adefwebserver





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