Ain't great. I've started tracking somewhat again. Mostly pre-dinner. If I keep that in check, I'm generally OK. I'm more of a breakfast person, so I usually eat a reasonably portioned dinner and I almost never snack afterward.

Realizing that just as I can't keep pretzels in the house, I can't bring in chocolate. Sigh. I do OK with chocolate chia pudding, chocolate nice cream, etc, but I can no longer buy chocolate chips and bar chocolate.

I've started writing creatively again, which puts me on the computer, which triggers my old work habits of nervous snacking. Afternoons are the worst. Recognizing the patterns, so now I can change them. Watched a short Stoicism video this morning where they said choice leads to pattern, pattern leads to behavior, behavior leads to character. Good to remember.

Grocery shopping this morning and plan to get some kitchen projects done. Going increasingly vegan. The husband said he's happy with what I'm cooking, so I may run with it.

Happy Sunday, everyone!
60.5 kg これまでの減量分: 8.3 kg.    残り: 1.5 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

697 kcal 脂質: 28.78g | たんぱく質: 31.43g | 炭水化物: 86.22g.   朝食: Walnuts, Quaker 100% Whole Grain Oatmeal, Bob's Red Mill Flaxseed Meal, Trader Joe's Chia Seeds, Blueberries , Bananas , Homemade Soy Greek Yogurt . 昼食前: Honey . 昼食: Apples, Silk Unsweetened Soymilk, Dried Fig, Synergy Gingerberry Kombucha, Cold Mountain Light Yellow Miso, Corn Tortillas . もっと...
週に0.2 kg増量中

25 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Oh, yes. Pretzels. Another one of my downfalls. And cookies. Ice Cream. Biscuits. I can be in the same room as these things and my head will spin all the way around. I'm a night feeder.  
2024年 03月 3日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams
Pretzels are my single worst, Morticia. I can eat half a large bag without batting an eye. I find if I just don't bring some things into the house, I'm better off. If I get a real craving for a salty snack, like I just did now, I can toast a slice of bread or a corn tortilla and spread some miso on it.  
2024年 03月 3日 投稿者: writingwyo
Morticia I am also a night feeder must keep cookies icecream chocolate and chips out of the house it is a battle devil vs Angel lol Instead diet jello with cool whip lol 
2024年 03月 3日 投稿者: scuccimarri
I love the big Bavarian sourdough pretzels, but they’re 110 calories for each pretzel! 😩 
2024年 03月 3日 投稿者: ChunkyMonkeyHere





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