I have had a bad couple of weeks. I didn't even weigh myself last Sunday, just entered the same weight. I bought molasses cookies before my appointment at the orthopedist on Friday and then afterwards I stopped on the way home and bought more bad stuff, including Hawaiian dinner rolls and things I won't confess to. Hope to get back on track tomorrow. I did get Brussels sprouts, mushroom, onion, and spinach for a stir fry and a bag of Taylor Farms steakhouse wedge salad mix. That's good for 3 Asian chicken salads next week.

Waiting for a huge storm later today with "damaging" winds overnight. I've moved everything off the deck. Don't like sleeping in front of the sliding glass door when it's that windy, when trees are blowing down and branches go flying. I may sleep on the sofa, the family room has no window. It's raining now, nothing else.

On my knee issue I change my mind every 5 minutes. Although I need a 2nd opinion and talk to my primary care doctor (my doctor for the last 10 years) before beginning to make a decision. Right now I'm at the "if I have just a little pain sometimes, why do anything" phase. If it becomes clear I have to do something the next step will be to call the sales agent at the new home development to see where things are in getting the street in for my new house and if I need to delay the process, can that be done. But I'm getting way ahead of myself which is so typical for how I deal with life
80.0 kg これまでの減量分: 0.7 kg.    残り: 6.5 kg.    ダイエット続き: 不十分.
週に2.8 kg増量中

8 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I tend to do the same. Try to plan for every contingency. I always bring home something from the store I shouldn't.  
2024年 02月 4日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams
Thanks Morticia! 
2024年 02月 4日 投稿者: Fritzy 22




Fritzy 22の体重の記録

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