Seem to be stabilizing at about 131 after all my travels and eating differently than my norm. We'll see if I can get it back under 130 again.

I've decided I've ordered my last non-pescatarian meal in a restaurant. Went out to lunch with a friend, and the lunch special was an elk meat gyro. Sounded intriguing, so I tried it. The bread was stale, the meat was half-gristle, and it was kind of greasy. Didn't set well in my stomach the rest of the day. Ugh. I'm going to stick with mostly vegetarian or vegan (preferably the latter, but hey, I'm realistic), or occasionally fish. I've stopped buying meat completely at home. I have, unfortunately, slipped back into cheese consumption, mostly for convenience when I'm tired.

We'll keep the dairy yogurt and whey, as well as the eggs. We switched back to whole milk for the yogurt and the remaining milk from the gallon for my husband's coffee. I'm more into the whey (doesn't have the sat fat), and my husband has marginal fasting glucose and A1c, as well as the LDL levels of a man whose heart will keep beating for 2 months after he dies 😜

Just finding a balance here 😊

Debating whether to start telling people I'm fish + vegetarian when visiting other people's houses. I don't like to put people out or be impolite. But one of the specialties of the house at my parents is pork roast, and I don't think I can face one of those 🤢
59.3 kg これまでの減量分: 9.5 kg.    残り: 0.3 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1648 kcal 脂質: 59.80g | たんぱく質: 80.22g | 炭水化物: 218.39g.   朝食: Honey , Medjool Dates , Natural Grocers Fresh Ground Almond Butter, Cold Mountain Light Yellow Miso, Silk Unsweetened Soymilk, Sourdough bread. 昼食: Olive Oil , Anthony's Nutritional Yeast Flakes, Tempeh (Cooked) , Ratatouille, Barilla Whole Grain Penne Pasta, Apples , Dry Sweet Whey. 夕食: Tempeh (Cooked) , Date, Salsa, Quinoa & black beans with TVP, Roasted Chickpeas. 軽食/その他: Ocean Spray Craisins Dried Cranberries, Alter Eco Total Blackout, Chick cheez, Apples , Navels Oranges , Egg. もっと...
週に0.5 kg減量中

37 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I’m figuring out my balance too and what to tell people about it… 
2023年 09月 3日 投稿者: cindylynnwho
Very rare to be a pescatarian~ 👏🏼 
2023年 09月 3日 投稿者: MattRide
I like pork roast as long as the fat is taken off. I don't like anything greasy really. I don't eat wild game at all. Don't care for dairy much other than cheese. Very picky about all food really. I could not eat a lot of what people on here eat.  
2023年 09月 3日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams
I'm not sure it's worthy of applause, MattRide 😉 A lot of it is just I've lost my taste for meat. I'm also sold on some version of the Mediterranean diet for long-term health, more toward the vegan end of that spectrum. May not be the fastest path to weight loss, but I'm in this game for healthspan and lifespan. I'd consider going vegan, at least at home, but concerned about getting enough omega-3s. The algae- based omega-3 supplements are frighteningly expensive  
2023年 09月 3日 投稿者: writingwyo
Morticia -- I don't go onto other people's meal posts and criticize, but I'll confess some of them turn my stomach 🤣 We're all picky in our own ways. I used to make a pretty decent pork roast, but haven't in years. Like you, I always needed the fat trimmed off my meat. I've never hunted, but I've had more than a few opportunities to eat wild game. I've always before preferred it, but this meal...ugh. So much gristle it was like elk-flavored chewing gum 🤢 You can't expect wild game to be as tender as conventionally raised beef, but I've never had any this bad 
2023年 09月 3日 投稿者: writingwyo
When my daughter went to a totally vegan diet/lifestyle many years ago, she was very forthcoming. In the beginning she would offer to bring fruit trays or veggie trays to gatherings. Once family/friends understood her new food choices, they have no problems accommodating. (with having so many vegan options now, many times she can bring plant-based foods to mirror the planned dinners) She is still gladly welcomed by all the same people! I hope this helps writingwyo 😊 
2023年 09月 3日 投稿者: FoodyDuty
Nice drop. 
2023年 09月 3日 投稿者: Draglist
Thank you for your words of reassurance, FoodyDuty 😊 Right now, most people know vegetarian/vegan is my strong preference. I'm the one at my office who's known for bringing vegan options to our potluck parties. I brought homemade vegan meatballs to our meatball cook-off and tofu chorizo the day we had a taco bar. People loved them! I made a seitan Cincinnati chili for our chili cook-off one year, and even though I had clearly labeled it as seitan (in part, to warn any gluten-sensitive folks), one of my coworkers ate it and thought it was made with meat. She's from Ohio, so for her, it was a taste of home. I'll never put something out and try to fool people by not telling. Too many people with severe food allergies in my life. If my brother got one of my vegan meatballs, it could put him in the hospital or even kill him. 😳 I've requested a vegan cook-off for my retirement party to give people a challenge 🤣 It's a journey right now. I'm recommitting to trying to eliminate cheese. Yesterday I made a chickpea cheese spread I love, and today I'm making a cashew-based nacho cheese. Yum! 😁 
2023年 09月 4日 投稿者: writingwyo
Thanks, Draglist! 😁 
2023年 09月 4日 投稿者: writingwyo
Sounds like you are already on the right path for you👍🏼..btw congrats on you retirement, a challenge cook-off, splendid 🤗Enjoy your new freedoms 🔕⏰ 
2023年 09月 4日 投稿者: FoodyDuty
Pescatarian implies that you don’t eat land animals, so there isn’t a need to also claim vegetarianism. I find nutritional yeast more than covers the B12 necessity. During the 2ish years that I was pescatarian, I only ate fish in restaurants, and ate vegan or vegetarian at home. Most hosts are happy to accommodate guests and actually anticipate dietary restrictions, so speak up and offer to bring a dish. Usually there are enough sides that you can make a meal of them. You can always eat a bowl of beans or a cup of yogurt beforehand. 
2023年 09月 4日 投稿者: JustBananas
Good point on the pescatarian vs vegetarian. I didn't intend to make it sound like I was claiming anything beyond what I'm doing. I just imagine that if I say pescaterian, the assumption will be that I want a big slab o'fish meal after meal to replace the standard big slab o'meat that people expect meal after meal, LOL. (No emojis on this computer...) There are worse fates, though. If my alternative is facing a pork roast, pescaterian it can be for now. In the meantime, I'm going to do as few animal products at home as possible, and I'll navigate the outside world and other people's houses as best as I can when the situation arises.  
2023年 09月 4日 投稿者: writingwyo





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