ate everything in soght yesterday- perhaps i needed a refuel after a long active weekend. its also getting dark early so i need to get bavk to the treadmill in the am 😭
50.2 kg これまでの減量分: 13.1 kg.    残り: 0.3 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

2005 kcal 運動: Fitbit - 24 時間. もっと...
週に1.3 kg増量中

26 人のサポーター    いいね!   

*sight and. *back 🤦‍♀️ 
2023年 08月 22日 投稿者: kaylinrenee
I had a free day yesterday myself. I went to a conference and the food was included. No ragrats#! Back on the meal plan / wagon. 
2023年 08月 22日 投稿者: GoalOnederLand
Go git ‘em 🫶 
2023年 08月 22日 投稿者: MattRide
Keep rockin it! With the steps you put in, eating everything in sight is fine…. At times😉 
2023年 08月 23日 投稿者: Daddy Manatee
Been down that road. Matter of fact, I was that way on Tuesday. I played golf in 100 degree heat, and when the round was over, my appetite was huge to say the least. I had between 2700 and 3000 calories that day. The overall effect was probably not that bad since my calorie expenditure was more than 3000 calories, but I still felt like I had stuffed my face with everything I could find. Sometimes it is a good thing, and the re-focus on what we should be doing. Power to both of us !!  
2023年 08月 24日 投稿者: Bionici
DM- i feel like if i have 1 bad day i blow up like a balloon 🙃 but if that were the case id be where i started, because i have a LOT of bad days. haha 
2023年 08月 24日 投稿者: kaylinrenee
bionici thats awesome. i usually rely on what my fitbit tells me ive burned, and mentally subtract what ive consumed. but im little so its never enough 🤣 short people have such a disadvantage, i feel.  
2023年 08月 24日 投稿者: kaylinrenee
When you have a bad day, just walk it off… I guess in your case, run it off! 
2023年 08月 24日 投稿者: Daddy Manatee
kaylinrenee, and then this weekend we went to our daughter's home to celebrate one of our granddaughter's birthday. And of course, there was no exercise on Friday, just driving 4 hours with about 2300 calories consumed and about the same expended. Saturday, there was no exercise, and I just had a party unto myself with 3300 calories consumed and 2200 expended. Today, I just had to skip dinner. Again, we drove 4 hours and I at 2100 calories and have expended 2571 so far. Back to exercising on Monday with very few calories eaten in contrast to the weekend. I'll drop any additional weight I gained in 5 days. Also, I am getting shorter,... :) . My height was 6'0" until about 10 years ago, and I've somehow subtracted 2 inches to be at 5'10". I'll catch up to you in another 10 years. :)  
2023年 08月 27日 投稿者: Bionici
compressed cartilage as we age! i may be a legal midget when im 60. who knows! fun fact: you're taller when you wake up, than right before you go to bed.  
2023年 08月 28日 投稿者: kaylinrenee
DM exactly!!!  
2023年 08月 28日 投稿者: kaylinrenee
You are 100% right, your body definitely needed a refuel after burning all those calories on your long weekend hike! Sometimes we just have to listen to our bodies… 😉You’re doing fine, keep it up..!  
2023年 08月 28日 投稿者: Kennyn27





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