I was going to comment on the 'quietness' around here this week but then again, I'm not journaling daily either so the kettle pot gal will hush and just deal with her own stuff. The thing is I don't have much 'all things food' to deal with.. other than the petition I've started to get 'goldfish' snacks included in a food group - dairy because they are 'extra cheese' - right? Had a few handful's of those last night with a banana, of all things. Weird combo but sounded good.

Other ATF includes I made a smoothie this morning but forgot the vegetable part. Banana, protein powder, fresh pineapple, yogurt, coffee and a little espresso coffee. Pretty darn good. I will try it again tomorrow and add the spinach I forgot I had in the fridge. I'd considered frozen brocolli for the 'green' but ... okay, I'm lying.. I just now thought about that one too.

My absentmindedness is taking on a whole new level. My emotions are cycling up and down continually throughout the day from totally manic to very depressed. All part of life I suppose. I try to stay busy doing 'things' and searching silly stuff on the internet when the 'downs' hit. So following are a few things that made me laugh, smile, or at least go 'hmmm' yesterday.

Hope things are going well in your world today.


Me... everytime I'm trying to breathe and eat mindfully at a restaurant...

I have to go to the doc today to get my 'SleepyRX refilled'

The best answer for most foods... if we can just give up the eating, chewing, needing nutrition thing:

This is ... so right on point... true... for most of us disordered eaters:

I wonder if my doc is going to comment about the weight gain .. or realize it's fat conversion?

Finally, exercise for me ...

This is so me... I'm glad to see a cartoon about it because I thought I was the only one:

This one too...

86.2 kg これまでの減量分: 43.1 kg.    残り: 4.5 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

10 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Awright, Louis CK: classic example of metabolic syndrome 
2014年 09月 11日 投稿者: ChrisComedy
These are so funny...the meal is over when I hate myself- lol I really like hating myself after a decadent dessert. Hope you are having an excellent night where you are,  
2014年 09月 11日 投稿者: sharonfriz
Angel, you've been through so much and you're finding your way now that you are on your own. Many emotions will be part of that journey, so expressing, journaling, keeping busy are healthy ways to cope. Lean on us... We are here for you! Xoxox 
2014年 09月 11日 投稿者: Ruhu
WOE roller coaster, emotional roller coaster. Not easy, both can make you sick :) of it all and grab something "sinful" :) Just have to be strong and get back into the strong even after having something outside of the good for you box. Thank goodness we all have FS to help make the journey easier. Best support system I have ever had. Here for you! Good luck!  
2014年 09月 11日 投稿者: kattay
P.S. Your smoothies sound delicious! I generally just want to eat my food, not drink it, but I think I could do your smoothies :) 
2014年 09月 11日 投稿者: kattay
I can't believe you mentioned goldfish today....I had a terrible ATF moment (night?) when I opened the new bag of french toast Goldfish that I bought for the kids (not really) and not only did I open the bag but I ate the whole thing (the kids were asleep the whole time). I thought I could handle just a portion but it's a small bag, how bad could it be? I took the bag out of the trash this morning and check the # servings - that would be 6 at 140 cal a pop! It put me over for the day to say the least. I was going to journal about it - then not - then I saw your post. I had to let it out and your post was the catalyst to help me cross the bridge. Thank you for your honesty and tales of troubles - I agree, it helps to know you're not alone and we all struggle to get back on track and stay positive sometimes. Take care! 
2014年 09月 12日 投稿者: sharon128
Thanks everyone ~ Kattay I agree with the 'chew' vs 'sip' of food vs a smoothie most of the time but after a couple of years of this figuring out a way to get nutrition every single meal gets a little tedious esp in the mornings when all I really want to do is drink coffee until about 2pm it offers me a 'something else'. I think that's part of why this sustained healthy eating has failed me in the past - boredom. Sharon128 I know what you mean - I did the math on the nutrition label too and thought 'wowza..' and I probably would have done a whole bag too if not for the banana. Weird but the sweet and salty hit the mark at only a couple of handfuls. Otherwise, about the third time I lumbered back into the kitchen for another helping I'd have sprinkled them in the garbage disposal. 
2014年 09月 12日 投稿者: FullaBella





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