Just under half a pound before I reach my 1st goal of 15 pounds. Once there I will enjoy the blue line for a day or two before setting the 2nd goal.

The fire is moving away from me so I am in no danger at this time. But it is only 10% contained and nearly 1000 acres so I am crossing my fingers the wind doesn't change until the fire is out.

Caught Buck having breakfast at my peach tree about 30 minutes ago. He is still there. If I want any more than the half dozen I picked the other day I need to get out there quick!
87.7 kg これまでの減量分: 0 kg.    残り: 14.2 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に1.9 kg減量中

57 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Excellent drop, Fritzy! That would be funny to see you picking peaches next to Buck. By the way, you had a question on 66pack's journal about the difference between simple and complex carbs. Complex carbs are the fruits, veggies and whole grains like oatmeal. They're the heroes of health. Simple carbs are the bad carbs/sugars found in the processed foods like crackers, chips, donuts, etc. that digest quickly and that which we equate with addictive carbs. 
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: JustBananas
Thanks Bananas. I googled complex and simple carbs. Simple carbs are sugar. Complex carbs are just what I said.  
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
I just went outside to pick some peaches. They are beautiful but not really ripe enough to eat. There were about 50 peach pits outside the deer fencing around the tree. While I was out there Buck wandered over to see what I was doing with "his" peaches. I told him he was going to get a tummy ache but I threw 4 or 5 peaches to him. 
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
No -- you wrote: "I don't think fruit or most vegetables have complex carbs. They have simple carbs (sugar)." That's incorrect/backwards. Fruits & veggies are Complex. They aren't classified as Simple, like cookies are. The point is, 66Pack stated he wanted to add Complex carbs to his diet, which means he's thinking of adding fruits/veggies/legumes, not processed bread. You are feeding Buck Complex Carbs when you share your peaches. Feed him Smuckers peach jam and now you're giving him Simple carbs. 
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: JustBananas
congratulations on your weight loss  
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: buenitabishop
Oh fritzy! So happy for you! Way to go! And I'm glad the fire is shifting and you are enjoying your critters! I can't imagine having a peach tree in my yard! Run and get some for me!  
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: melissatwa
So happy for you.. Goals met are great motivation. Such a loving giving heart, you can't resist sharing, even with Mr Buck.  
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: SLYONE 22
Good job! I used to have a peach tree and lived picking them straight from tree and eating them! So sweet!! Glad fire threat is lowered! I was worried for you!💜 
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: Diana 1234
Bananas - I really, really, REALLY don't care! I don't agree with you, you disagree with me. I am not one of THOSE people who has to prove to everyone they are right. Thanks Buenita! The low fat diet really seems to be working. Thans Melissa - I love the peach tree and it is so full of peaches right now 100's of them Thanks SLYONE - I'm hoping I can get down the last .4 pounds and then continue on. I just worry Buck will be laying under my deck later (one of his favorite spots) groaning in pain from cramping caused by too much fruit! Thanks Diana. I have been letting the peaches I've picked ripen a little on the kitchen island counter where the sun from the skylights hit it. They are so good. The fire threat is constant where I live and 5 miles away is too close. Last year the Caldor fire that went into South Lake Tahoe travelled over 100 miles from where it started. 
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
Great work! 
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: patti2842
glad to hear the fire is moving away from you.  
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: Katsolo
Thanks Patti! Thanks Kat - it does make life easier. I didn't sleep at all the first night but I slept good last night 
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
Good work on reaching your goal! And great news that the fire isn't getting closer. Hope they're able to get it under control. Those low containment numbers can be very concerning. Hope you're able to continue to havr restful nights. 💕 
2022年 06月 30日 投稿者: _bec_ca
2022年 07月 1日 投稿者: HCB
We’ll done! ✅ 😀 
2022年 07月 1日 投稿者: Staceyfitness1
Let's go!  
2022年 07月 1日 投稿者: jimmiepop
I agree with you. Simple carbs are found in foods like fruit veg and some dairy products. You can't rely separate simple and complex carbs in whole foods. It's the refined carbs that are more easily eliminated from our diets. stay safe from the fire hazards. 
2022年 07月 1日 投稿者: honeebuns
should be really not rely. 
2022年 07月 1日 投稿者: honeebuns
Stay safe! Great work! 
2022年 07月 1日 投稿者: shirfleur 1




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