Hello All, not seen my boss since this awful clean report, he has said he is giving further action but not sure what. Worked yesterday this is a idear what the letter said. she said the rubbish was put in the wrong bin, there was splash marks of what looks like bleach on the bathmat, all skirting board and windows sills were not whipped, the shower hadn't been done, well I washed and dried it to perfection. The house was done with the worst clean ever. should I ( the customer) need to clean and hoover when the cleaners have gone. Well I have been to the womans house before and never had a complete neither has the woman who worked with me. she snapped at us as soon as we arrived because we couldn't open the door we turned both keys until they clicked but the door was Jamied so she pulled it open and said give the door a push and walked off upstairs. Funny thing is her name is Melanie!!!!. I'm having a good weekend so will have to wait my fate on Monday. I truly hope you are All good and happy 😊. Of anyone has had a rough day speak up as we are all here to help you through it. love and very best wishes Merry Mel 🤩 ❤️
55.3 kg これまでの減量分: 0 kg.    残り: 3.6 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

426 kcal 運動: Samsung Health - 24 時間. もっと...

18 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I can't comment on what happens during working hours, but I can say this. I can tell that Merry Melさん was not a good match for the residents of the house she went to. ‖‖orz‖‖ If I had the same experience, I would look at the "cute animals" and soothe myself. 
2022年 05月 28日 投稿者: ヤママユガ
don't let it worry u over the weekend merrymel wait til u see the boss. no good worrying about it now, it's already happened xx 
2022年 05月 28日 投稿者: Addison5712
Sorry you're having a rough time. That one unhappy person sounds like a nightmare for your boss, and also for you. Hope for a good outcome for you next week. Stay strong and good luck Mel.  
2022年 05月 29日 投稿者: Bearwood
Ull have to start taking photos so when the odd mardy arse crops up I can say nope take a look, she prob didn't want to pay it is near the end of the month 😜 
2022年 05月 29日 投稿者: heatherboardman
You know you did a good job. I would just ignore it. Let them waste each others time, dont let them waste yours! 
2022年 05月 29日 投稿者: mincepiemuncher
Feel for you, Mel. 🤗 you won’t make everybody happy (no one can) 
2022年 05月 29日 投稿者: Maguscanook
you and your friend should start up your own business 
2022年 05月 30日 投稿者: stevem84




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