Thank you all for your kind, wonderful comments of support and encouragement yesterday. I realize this 'funk' is not worthy of me ~ but it refuses to depart. This morning I look 7 months pregnant for some reason ~ not helping my mood but I know this too shall pass. Meanwhile I'm just taking care of myself and trying to get through the day without doing harm to myself or anyone else.

I even consider it a 'win' that I did the treadmill again this morning and completed my routine despite my sneaker rubbing into my heel to the point that it bled. Stopped, adjusted my socks, and finished. I have yet to experience that endorphin induced adrenalin rush you exercisers claim and promise. Some day.

Massage therapy this afternoon and I'm looking forward to it.

I started reading a very interesting book yesterday titled When you Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull Up a Chair. Maybe it's interesting because I am grasping at straws right now to find that balance and peace so I don't return to punishing myself with food. Not sure.

But my testimony to it is that I am halfway through the book (so it's a short read as I only picked it up during a pedicure) and have already highlighted at least 70% of what I've read.

Nothing so earth shattering new that I feel it's the latest thing since sliced tomatoes. It follows a bit of the EWYL and mindful eating as well as 'love yourself unconditionally today' but is phrased in such a way that I went 'oh.. yeah... that makes sense...' and began highlighting away.

But thanks to whatever happened that I can no longer copy & paste sections of my Kindle reader anymore... probably now known as 'the Bella precedent' ... you'll just have to go online and preview it yourself. Here's a short clip from one of the online reviews though: Chapter 3: When you eat at the refrigerator, pull up a chair. Roth paints a mental picture of inviting a friend to dinner and telling her that you are going to eat the way you eat when you are alone. When she arrives, you lead her to the kitchen, open the refrigerator and stare … then you start picking through cold leftovers with your fingers. We would never actually treat a friend this way and yet so many of us treat ourselves in exactly this manner.

And with that folks, I'm out of here. Some parting photos and quotes for your entertainment and enlightenment.


81.6 kg これまでの減量分: 47.6 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1923 kcal 脂質: 143.30g | たんぱく質: 82.63g | 炭水化物: 89.26g.   朝食: Chocolate Chips, Smart Balance Omega Natural Peanut Butter, Bacon, Kroger Jumbo Eggs, Gruyere Cheese, Coffee-Mate Sugar Free Hazelnut Powder Coffee Creamer, Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise, StarKist Foods Chunk Light Tuna in Water, Balsamic Vinegar, Zucchini, Red Tomatoes, Yellow Summer Squash, Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Whole Milk, Gruyere Cheese. もっと...
2760 kcal 運動: デスクワーク - 3 時間, 家事 - 1 時間, 座る - 3 時間, 立つ - 3 時間, 歩く(ふつう) - 時速5km - 1 時間, 睡眠 - 13 時間. もっと...

10 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Bella I have no words of wisdom just understanding and support. These blues (more back some days) are torment. Inexplicable, out of nowhere, suck to the depth of our souls. You are hanging in, I can't believe you have the presence of mind to exercise. You are amazing. And you can't look 7 months pregnant, it's just how you think you look today. Keeping hanging in, keep holding on. There is a light ahead (and I promise it's not a train). Sending you cyber love and support.  
2014年 05月 21日 投稿者: sarahsmum
Wow, Bella for a proclaimed non-exerciser you sure are going the distance on that treadmill! I hope the good endorphins start to surface soon! Thank you for your insights and the excerpt from the book. LOVE LOVE LOVE the week/weekend picture. So me.  
2014年 05月 21日 投稿者: megmonster
I love what I hear about your new book, Angel, so will definitely give it a look. Hang in there, sweet friend, this too shall pass. Keep thinking positive thoughts as much as you can! I love that you are taking care of you -- treadmill & massage -- you deserve it! We are here for you & love you unconditionally! xoxox 
2014年 05月 21日 投稿者: Ruhu
Geneen Roth is great. I've read most of her books :) 
2014年 05月 21日 投稿者: ChristyLA
Face Everything and Rise. I love it! I guess the last days of May are paving the way for a beautiful June. Get ready for the good it's time. Way to go with the treadmill. I managed to get it done today as well.  
2014年 05月 21日 投稿者: ChicaLean
Bella! Thank you for the journals, the books, the quotes, the help, the photos. Everything. <3 
2014年 05月 21日 投稿者: Deb_N
Proud of you for exercising. Give it time. You'll notice as you up the speed and duration, it gets easier and you'll want to do more. You will get the buzz.  
2014年 05月 21日 投稿者: ClassicRocker
I look pregnant too. Even LB was startled by it. Needless to say that it did not elevate my mood ;). Maybe we should hire some Sumo suits.  
2014年 05月 22日 投稿者: schmetterling34
Sorry, only just seen this (probs with FS!). Sorry your in a funk... That book sounds good, love the extract- so true... You'd be ashamed to do that in front of a friend. Hope your feeling more positive now 😘 
2014年 05月 22日 投稿者: Sk1nnyfuture
lol I can so relate to that about is always like pulling teeth for me.....I do exercise for the same reason that I eat all my vegetables on the plate first....because I know it's good for me, not because I enjoy it..... 
2014年 05月 22日 投稿者: triaby
Good decision Bells to exercise to help you chase the funk away. Even if you don't experience the "high" just yet; know that your activity is still helping you physically. Hang in there girl and I hope the massage brings some clarity to your day! 
2014年 05月 22日 投稿者: Josie Ann
Hey Bells, Thursday May 22 - how ya doing today? Thinking about you and sending you love and happy thoughts :) 
2014年 05月 22日 投稿者: sarahsmum





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