Friday - March 21st. I'm hung over from pain meds and interrupted sleep so I feel foggy today. This will be my fifth attempt at a journal and to minimize the rambling I'm just going to do bullet points.

*Business showcase yesterday was interesting. I won a Kindle Fire HDX from my bank. It was the ONLY booth I signed up for the 'free drawing'. Wild.

*Sprained my ankle - self diagnosed via interweb search level 2. Yes, ice, heat, elevation and wrapping with my yoga stretch belt as I don't have an Ace bandage. Using Cutty's cane to steady ambulation.

*Cool compliment from the "snooty art party lady" yesterday (the class I abandoned last year because of her constant gossiping) - she'd heard I'd been painting at home and really turning out interesting pieces and wants to see them.

*Second cool compliment: my 'church' came up on a possible 'tour site list for a downtown event' - apparently one of the very minimal handful of people I've allowed to go all the way thru my shop, house and into my back yard was at the meeting. For security there's no way I'll get on that list but it was nice to hear.

*Bucket list check off: petted and hand fed a carrot to a real live Camel. Too cool.

*Can't be sure if I made the 'three nights in a row' of no Midnight Munching because I did not have dinner but on the single limp I could manage into the kitchen I grabbed some cottage cheese with berries and the bag with all the 'free goodies' given away from the booths at the Showcase and that included some trail mix, a granola bar, and two cookies. Despite the pain meds I didn't get to sleep until about 3am so I snacked on those while I binged on "Orange is the New Black" on Netflix. Judges?

That's about it. Shortest journal ever for me, hmm? Thanks for stopping to visit me and I hope you're having a wonderful Friday wherever you are today.

79.4 kg これまでの減量分: 49.9 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1618 kcal 脂質: 77.49g | たんぱく質: 123.44g | 炭水化物: 98.64g.   朝食: Coffee-Mate Sugar Free Hazelnut Liquid Coffee Creamer, Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Whole Milk. 昼食: Kraft Original BBQ Sauce, Butter (Salted), Sunflower Meal Bread, Chicken Drumstick, Hellmann's Mayonnaise with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Tuna in Water (Canned), Chicken Thigh. 軽食/その他: Schwan's Whole Blueberries, Cottage Cheese, Bob's Red Mill Chia Seed. もっと...
1800 kcal 運動: 睡眠 - 24 時間. もっと...

1名の支持者    いいね!   

Hope your ankle gets better soon, Bella! 
2014年 03月 21日 投稿者: notjune1
Ouch - well now you have a good excuse to be a couch potato - LOL (Hope you heal quickly) 
2014年 03月 21日 投稿者: Lynn1958
OMG I had only a #1 sprain 2 years ago. Please go to doc. I highly recommend the $40 ankle sock thingy that ties/and velcros. It is called the Shock Doctor Ultra Wrap Lace Ankle Support. I don't think I could have survived without it. My doc said that once you sprain it is VERY EASY to sprain again and he suggested to stay off for 48 hours then use the Shock doc support for a long time (can't remember how long). He said to walk very carefully so as not to sprain again. Listen to me - with all this advice. Has it started turning purple yet?  
2014年 03月 21日 投稿者: Neptunebch
Wow, quite the swings in this journal! From winning a Kindle (whoohoo!), to spraining your ankle (ouch). I hope your injury heals quickly...and hey look on the bright side; it will give you more time before you hit up the pantry/fridge, so no midnight snacking monster sightings! Have a lovely weekend.  
2014年 03月 21日 投稿者: Josie Ann
Now where the heck did you run into a camel? At the showcase? So cool you won a kindle! Hope your ankle feels better soon! 
2014年 03月 21日 投稿者: megmonster
Wow... Brilliant, winning the kindle. RICE is the best thing for your ankle... Rest, ice compress, elevate - hope it feels better soon. Love the camel feeding lol. 
2014年 03月 21日 投稿者: Sk1nnyfuture
Orange is the New Black is one of my favorite Netflix series. Can't wait for the next season to come out. The Following is also pretty good if you're into crime/thrillers. 
2014年 03月 21日 投稿者: 2ManyCurves
Awww I hate you hurt your ankle..Love you got to feed a camel..they have the prettiest eyes...Would love to see one up close like that...What a hoot you won the Kindle...that's awesome...Feel better soon...:O) 
2014年 03月 21日 投稿者: BHA
Did you ride the camel to the business showcase, then fall off and sprain your ankle because of the excitement of winning the kindle? Then perhaps the snooty art woman gave you a ride home and complimented your art? Just trying to tie these events together lol. Im not covinced that your choices constitute being labeled a midnight munch fest seeing as how you didnt have dinner. We will give that a pass and see how you do tonight :-) Hope your ankle feels better real soon. Easy on the pain meds, alice :-) 
2014年 03月 21日 投稿者: Annabelle3117
My thinking is along the lines of Yolanda. LMAO!! I was like ... "huh?" You do get into some interesting places in your life. Ya just can't keep a good woman down! How cool you won that Kindle Fire!!! How cool you fed a camel a carrot!!! Now fess up how you sprained your ankle! :) 
2014年 03月 22日 投稿者: Mom2Boxers
Some good luck mixed with bad luck... I guess you can read your Kindle while your ankle heals? How did you come across a camel? Was it part of the background story leading up to your ankle mishap? LOL. Feel better! 
2014年 03月 22日 投稿者: evelyn64
Ha - binge watched orange is the new black. Sorry about the ankle. I'm thinking a 10 for scoring  
2014年 03月 22日 投稿者: sharonfriz





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