2021年 08月 1日の計量結果(日記のエントリーがない日)
52.3 kg これまでの減量分: 42.9 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に0.6 kg減量中

26 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Glad you're posting again. Hope all is well, K. 
2021年 08月 1日 投稿者: Katsolo
Awww, thanks Kat - I know I've been a bit M.I.A. But, rest assured still very active. I'm training hard for this trip to the Galapagos Islands in October. Humidity is my kryptonite. And, though we are making the trip in what South America considers as their dry season - anything above 30% is challenging for my Central Nervous System. Endurance and stamina are a must. I expect it will slow me down, but I just want to have enough endurance to keep going especially on excursions or day hikes on the Islands. I'm not missing out on Blue footed boobies, giant tortoises, or snorkeling with sea lions :-) Cardio with resistance is perfect for training endurance and stamina so I've increased time and mileage dedicated to the bike and swimming. I still do weights and strength, but they are not priority right now, but rather supportive. It's been pleasant to see I haven't lost any muscle mass since doing this, but we'll see what I look like by October - LOL 
2021年 08月 1日 投稿者: Egull1
My friend did a five day cruise in the Galápagos Islands, she loved it. Smaller boat, has a great time. I hope you enjoy it as much as she did.  
2021年 08月 1日 投稿者: Katsolo
LMK if you would like to reach out to her.  
2021年 08月 1日 投稿者: Katsolo
Hi Egull! Trip sounds fascinating! 💜💜 
2021年 08月 1日 投稿者: Diana 1234
Thank you, Kat. I've been told by more than a few, it will be a trip of a lifetime. We actually booked this tour pre-pandemic for 2020. Thankfully, the tour company decided to postpone the trip until October of 2021. I'm a birder and raptor enthusiast and lover of all things Nature made, so I'm really excited. And, hello Diana! It should be fascinating. The wildlife on those remote islands have been so secluded and protected from the rest of the outside world, the animals holds no fear of humans. Darwin's island finches have been known to land on shoulders. Hawks like to take a little ride on people's hats, and giant tortoises come close enough to check humans out with a scrutinous eye. LOL 
2021年 08月 1日 投稿者: Egull1





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