Up a pound, well that's absolutely ridonkulous! However, I'm going to accept this as the perfect opportunity to set a great example for other 'losers' who might not be as far along in their journey as I am, sometimes the scale just sucks! I look back on my last five days of intake, all spot on perfect. Look back at my exercise history, also perfect. Because of those reasons I know that there is no way humanly possible that I have put on a pound of fat (which would require an extra 3500 calories on top of the calories I need to sustain life). So what is it??? It's water. I have stepped up a workout or two, and because my muscles are repairing and toning they are holding a lot of H20. (Other reasons could be the time of the month, illness, high carb intake, or because the gods are unhappy with you) All of January I ate mindlessly with minimal workouts and managed to lose eight pounds. One week into a perfectly executed diet and exercise plan and I'm up a pound, this is where lots of people like to jump off the bandwagon, don't. When you are doing everything right, a loss is sure to follow, it just takes it's good old time. Remember this when you're feeling down and frustrated after a good week with a crappy weigh in, this WILL happen to you at some point, probably at many points. Keep that chin up!

I hope you all learned something from this lol.

So I got my taxes done yesterday, my tax lady immediately noticed my loss! I was pretty excited, I see this woman once a year so I was very flattered she would remember me. I was surprised when she engaged in asking me how I've done it and shared some of her own struggles with me. I would NEVER start spitting weight loss advice to anyone without them asking me, especially to someone who was overweight. I don't want to be rude. One of the first things she said was "well you're so young you can get that metabolism up". I let her have that one, I wasn't going to argue. It might be easier when you're younger, but any age can lose weight. So that was interesting, I thought. A new experience for me, that's for sure.

Today is the big day, and by big day I mean mostly busy and exhausting lol. I have to go valentine/grocery shopping after I drop my son off at preschool. Going to get a couple little things for the kids and something for my husband. Also, steaks for tonight. I've decided on steak because it's much healthier than the 'lets order pizza' alternative, and that god&^@% scale is going to move whether it wants to or not. After shopping I will sprint home and eat something, then sprint to the gym, then sprint to work. Work until seven thirty, come home, make dinner, clean up, pass out lol. How romantic, I know, I can't help myself.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, however you decide to spend it. Stay optimistic, love yourselves, BE KIND to yourselves, and know that you are important, especially to some crazy girl in Ohio that Journals about nothing every day.

Happy Friday!
92.5 kg これまでの減量分: 37.2 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

2189 kcal 脂質: 69.84g | たんぱく質: 111.58g | 炭水化物: 170.77g.   朝食: Egg, Mission Foods White Corn Tortilla, Coffee-Mate Original Powder Creamer. 昼食: Subway Fat Free Red Wine Vinaigrette, Subway 6" Turkey Breast, Subway Provolone Cheese. 夕食: Great Value Deli Style Seasoned Potato Wedges, Barefoot Moscato, Outback Steakhouse Ribeye (10 oz). 軽食/その他: EAS Lean 15 Protein Powder - Vanilla Cream, Crystal Light Crystal Light on the Go Sugar Free packets. もっと...
2544 kcal 運動: ウエイトトレーニング(ふつう) - 10 分, 歩く(ふつう) - 時速5km - 56 分, 休憩 - 14 時間   54 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...
週に0.4 kg増量中

2 人のサポーター    いいね!   

:) You're important to some crazy man in MI too Yo! ;) I LOVE your NSV story... The HELL with the RNG! Keep on, Keeping on! You'll get there in your Marathon Life Change... Remember... it's NOT a sprint, but a life style change MARATHON :) Happy Valentines Day my skinny FRIEND! 
2014年 02月 14日 投稿者: millerm40
There's more going on than the scale. The scale lies. About a year ago I'd hit a plateau for about a month and I was eating spot on & exercising twice a day ... clearly able to calculate a deficit that should have yielded a loss.. nothing, nada, zip. So I skipped a full day of exercising and had something high calorie ((and yeah, I think it was steak)) that I wasn't normally eating then. Five pound loss overnight. You'll soon end your love affair w/the scale and maybe only check in with it once a week or so ... as you adapt to recognizing more of what's going on with your ever improving body than just a number. Have a great day :-) 
2014年 02月 14日 投稿者: FullaBella
Thank you Mike, Happy valentines day to you as well :-). I hope I get that five pounds over night, Bella lol. I'm teetering on the edge of One-derland! I know the scale is over-rated, and I do my best to only weigh in once a week, but I really want to see that one. It will come though, I'm one hundred percent sure of that. Thank you!!!  
2014年 02月 14日 投稿者: Annabelle3117
Sounds to me like your scale is teasing you, like an arm wrestling thing where you know you're going to win but it seems to have some strength in the end it will fall. You're doing so good there is no other outcome. Have a really good day and give the children extra hugs. 
2014年 02月 14日 投稿者: LadyBea40
I love that you are setting a positive example. You are saying exactly what people need to hear, me included, who have had that same struggle up a pound after doing everything right. I love reading your journals every day because they are so positive and that positive energy is contagious. I hope you have a great evening!! 
2014年 02月 14日 投稿者: mars2kids
I'm very very disappointed in you sis. The Biggest Loser was losing 8 pounds a week. :) Have a Happy VD with hubby! 
2014年 02月 14日 投稿者: waynem37
Thank you Bea & Mars!! I too was disappointed in not losing one hundred pounds in three weeks, what are they doing that I'm not, Wayne?!?! lol 
2014年 02月 14日 投稿者: Annabelle3117
Ridonkulous?!?! OMG... Thats too funny, I havent heard that word in a loooooooooong time! I love it! hahaha! What a positive attitude! Your posts always make me smile... You are sooo bubbly! I need that! That must have felt pretty awesome having the tax lady notice your weight loss. I hope you have a fabulous and not a ridonkulous valentines day ((((hug)))) 
2014年 02月 14日 投稿者: Jess cheng





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