This drop is not unexpected. I didn't have the normal "high calorie" intake day this week, because it's a surplus day today.

In addition, I happened to have a very "high calorie" burn in addition to hitting a new PR with the push-ups at 3X20 with 19 lbs in the backpack instead of 16 lbs.

Needless to say - this body's been worked.

the average of my low weigh-ins show I took about a .4 lb drop on the whole, which will be more than compensated for by the approximate 4619 calorie surplus I'm having today :-)

I'm ready.

I'm hungry.

Time for breakfast!

Note: I'm taking allergy meds this a.m., so tomorrow's weigh in will be a doozy with water retention and the bulk of today's intake.
50.5 kg これまでの減量分: 44.7 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に5.1 kg減量中

9 人のサポーター    いいね!   





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