Last Monday's weigh-in came in around 114.4. I'm assessing the .4 lb increase is due to the Allergy meds. But, still good to know!

And, oh my does it feel good to get more air into these sinuses. Whenever I take the meds, I can't help but wonder how long this poor brain has been oxygen starved.

The woozy feeling is part of the reason I don't take them as frequently as recommended. However, this year I've been working to find the middle ground and not wait until it gets so bad I'm incapacitated from the head pain. I'm usually good for a few weeks before I need to take them again.
52.1 kg これまでの減量分: 43.2 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に8.3 kg増量中

2 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I can relate! I used to take Sudafed and Claritin daily but got to a point where i can't take Sudafed anymore, it dried me out too much. Now I just use a neti pot when I start getting sinus pain. It helps alot. Think I have a deviated septum because I always feel a big plugged up.  
2021年 01月 13日 投稿者: bearnoggin





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