Friday 13th bit the bullet and weighed in, haven't weighed myself for two months I knew the results would be bad, took advantage of the eat out to help out scheme, when again would you be able to get two meals for £10 and of course you have to share a bottle of wine to wash it down. Once you get into a routine it is hard to break it, i got used to eating out.
If I have the will power that now that pleasure is denied me I'll try and get back on the bike starting today. Walked to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for a salad, salmon, olives,tomatoes, cucumber, peppers,red onions,feta cheese, EVOO oil wish me luck!
108.9 kg これまでの減量分: 5.4 kg.    残り: 7.3 kg.    ダイエット続き: 不十分.
週に0.4 kg増量中

5 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Not so bad.........just get back on track...... it’s always fun eating out ..I love it when someone else cooks...... Today is a new day..... lots of water... maybe I should listen to myself...... 
2020年 11月 13日 投稿者: Char60
Char you are one very kind lady, but the excuses I make I am just fooling myself. I will say I do like a good meal, good company, good wine. I've decided to consume more juices to supplement the water. Are you well yourself?  
2020年 11月 13日 投稿者: Chestnut63
Doing well, missed you, want to hear from you more often......and yes food wine. and someone to talk to. doesn’t get better than that. I have just upped my water not my favorite. but works for me. I drink water so I can have that glass every nite.  
2020年 11月 13日 投稿者: Char60
Char I've missed you your last post was back in August , I am not a b ig user of social media  
2020年 11月 13日 投稿者: Chestnut63
I think we have all changed a bit ...... we want everything to get back to normal.... my house is clean now I’m ready to get the hell out and visit friends... We had to cancel a trip to Hawaii.... and yes I’m not on my iPad as much as I used to Now, my outing is Costco ..... big deal....I walk every day for an hr.  
2020年 11月 13日 投稿者: Char60
Char i still get out for my daily walk. The reason I say I am not big user of social media there are some nasty people out there. I bet your friends have missed you? 
2020年 11月 13日 投稿者: Chestnut63





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