I will not tell i lie I have lost the plot big time, but it is nice to see there are still so many wonderful people out there it gives me something to hang on to. I am prepared to say most things are of my own doing perhaps I have got to the stage in life where's i need to take a seriously look at myself instead of believing I can joke about it and get way with things,constructive criticism welcome
105.7 kg これまでの減量分: 8.6 kg.    残り: 4.1 kg.    ダイエット続き: 不十分.
週に0.5 kg増量中

15 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Chesty - to lose the plot you had to have it in the first place!! You haven't lost it - you have simply misplaced it for a while. Good to see you posting again.  
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9
Chris my plot used to be my garden it was nice to sit by the edge of the pond and watch the fish swim around( i have some baby fish in the pond this Autumn) Chris I have always said I like you because there is no malice in your comments but bad apples do spoil the crop maybe I should dig up the crop and plant a new one and see how it develops in time? Best wishes  
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Chestnut63
Actually I was thinking about digging up the pond because I don't sit by it much and I then I remember that is where one the bodies is buried Whoops 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Chestnut63
But chesty the problem with planting a new orchard is that it takes some time to bear fruit. OK the first fruit is usually the sweetest, but there is something to be said about long established trees cos their roots run deep and they can survive the storms and droughts...... Did you know my other name is 'Old Adam the wise old Garden Sage'? 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9
As for sitting by the pond - I presume you did that whilst wearing your blue spotted hat and yellow trousers with your big ruddy cheeks on display (on your face before you think I was being rude) and your little fishing rod in hand...... You know they based Noddy on you! 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9
Chris aren't all these tells weren't the characters are a bit dodgy maybe you know me to well. Are you suggesting I am old tree?  
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Chestnut63
Chestnut what’s been happening? Hopefully there are still some good apples in the old orchard 🙂 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Nutricali
Nuticali can i take a seedling from your beautiful self that is sure make everything in the garden rosy 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Chestnut63
## Underneath the spreading chestnut tree.... ## 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9
NO NO NO not spreading at all - slimming..... Wouldn't suggest you have gone to seed me old mate. 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9
I like to think I am comfy like a trusty old chair 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Chestnut63
Out our way the conkers are starting to fall from the trees now.... Chestnut I hope your conkers are not falling off.... I planted a few a couple of years ago and now have about six seedlings which are about 18 inches tall and also the same for oaks as I planted some acorns (having beaten the squirrels to the acorns)... Just have to find somewhere to plant them out now. 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9
You mean your stuffing is coming out through the holes? 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9
I've been well stuffed with lots of things and people do call me conkers and bonkers, great things grow from conkers!  
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Chestnut63
Now this is the good old chestnut we all know and love! 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9
Aw chestnut, you must be the sweet kind! I’ve plenty of chilli and tomato seeds if you need any for your garden 😊 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Nutricali
Chris I need to find some bin bags for when i dig up my fish pond to take the evidence away and throw it off Brighton marina then I can plant some seeds in the space I understand that decomposed bodies make good fertiliser? I 've been very lazy today i took a friend to a restaurant and stuffed my face with steak and chips washed down with an excellent wine. I think I will tair the little hair I have left out when it pops up on my credit bill. 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Chestnut63
Nutricali only if they are as hot as you😁 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: Chestnut63
No worries Chesty I have a box of 200 bin bags. You are welcome to as many as you need - I suppose that depends how many bodies you have to shift. If you need a hand, I was thinking of extending the patio so should have room for half a dozen if that helps. As for being lazy..........Nowt wrong with not doing much as you are retarded - oops I meant retired - but when it comes to steak and chips and an excellent bottle.... OK I am jealous. I was slaving away all day with some very odd patients in and then raced home to log onto our Professional Body local Branch online meeting only to find I couldn't log on and have no idea why! My meal this evening - I WAS GOOD for a change - bacon and cabbage (OK so the cabbage had a bit of butter drizzled through it to keep the black pepper in check....Very simple and really delicious, but I would not have turned down steak and chips.... Have ot bake cakes for Friday morning as I am visiting our main supplier and they have looked after us so well through all the mess I kept making promises....now I ave to deliver - so a really tempting task ahead - chocolate cake, lemon drizzle cake, shortbread biscuits and a Victoria Sandwich. When the heck am I going to find time to bake all that? (and not eat a load of it as well) 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9
Oh chestnut - if your hair does fall out through shock - transplant some from your palms - the full moon was last week so it has three weeks to grow back before you need to start howling again. 
2020年 09月 9日 投稿者: ChrisFGL9





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