Got a new job! OMG the last two weeks have been non-stop stress!!! I had a job interview last Tuesday for a Medical Assisting position at a local doctors office. Last Friday they called and asked me to interview with the doctor on Monday. I did, It went very well, got the job. Did my physical today and will probably be working by next Wednesday. It has been a whirlwind of stress. To add to it, last weekend my 'Mexican' family was up from Texas. I hate to put it that way but its kind of how I do lol. My father immigrated here from Mexico before I was born, and although he was never a big part of my life I still see his side of the family from time to time. It's a very stressful time for me, they expect me to up and forgive my dad, not going to happen. Long story. But I survived that as well, thank god! I'm shocked to have a three pound loss this week, I really haven't been working out or paying too much attention to what I'm eating. But I'll take it! Now I'm faced with finding daycare for my two children. I have found a daycare that will transport my daughter to and from school, and offers a preschool program for my son. BUT it means taking both of my kids out of the schools they were in last year. I feel like it's a big sacrifice to ask my kids to make, but it's really what's best for our family. This job can put my husband and I in a place where we would be ready to buy a house next year, and I really want to be there. I'm dying for the stability and the permanence. So although I don't want to uproot the kids, if this is the final time than I guess it will have been worth it. Ugh! So much all at once. Isn't that the way it always goes? Say a prayer for me lol. I'm going to need it! Back to the gym tomorrow and trying to figure out how to stay on track!!
107.0 kg これまでの減量分: 22.7 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に1.4 kg減量中


1. Congrats on the job! 2. Congrats on the weight loss! Perhaps you were watching what you ate without knowing it?? 3. The kids will be fine,,,,,lots of love and reassurance, as I'm sure you know, and they will be fine. 4. UGH on the father,,,,I have one of those, and I feel you. 5. Prayers going up!!!!! 
2013年 07月 31日 投稿者: CommaHolly
Congratulations on all of it!! It may be a change for your kids, but in the long run it is worth it for them to have the stability that you want in buying a home. They'll love it! I hope your loss sticks around and you keep going in the right direction. With some of that stress gone that might help the loss too. I'm praying for you too!! Good luck! 
2013年 07月 31日 投稿者: mars2kids
Congrats! Told you that you would do great and get the job! Stress sometimes keeps you from eating too...maybe that is what happened. I wish I would lose 3 pounds! I keep losing the same weight over and over it seems like. The kids will be fine in the different setting. Provided that they like the new daycare. If they don't just keep looking...God has a plan and everything is already just can't see that. They are young enough that they will make friends quickly and if you can keep them in the same school when you buy a house it will be fine. Family is don't get to pick them.  
2013年 07月 31日 投稿者: kmunson





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