There was a request last week for a before and after in addition to what I looked like when I hit the initial goal of 150 lbs. I was also asked why I keep the goal weight at 150 lb.

Let's begin with the pic first. If you can't already surmise - the bottom right hand corner is me at about 194 ish. I had already lost about 6lbs. I put my initial weigh in at 210, but to be honest I'm not really sure how much I weighed when I first started tracking in FS, because at that point I was avoiding the scale like the plague. Usually, when I gained in the past - I always hit around 206-208 lbs. and then plateaued naturally or freaked out and tried to lose a few lbs. So, when I decided to try again - I just rounded up at put in 210 lb as the starting weight.

The next weigh in after the first is the accurate one which is 202.8 :-)

The top right hand corner is literally a few days after I hit the initial goal you see on my profile, which 150 lbs.

The pic on the left was taken last Friday, post workout. My lowest low has been 112.0 lbs, with a moving average of 113 lbs., and what we assess may be 17-19% body fat. I'm 5'2 for reference.

I never changed my goal weight to my present weight range, because frankly this weight range was never the goal. But, I'm absolutely 1000% thankful this body decided it had it's own goal in mind and went for it! LOL. I set the goal weight at 150 initially because I wanted to specify what I felt was both an achievable weight and a sustainable one. And, I left it there to remind me that anything can change and life may put me in circumstances where the 145-150 lb. range becomes a possibility.

However, it can be said that 2 years into maintenance and coming upon the dawn of a full body transformation due to increased muscle mass and decreased body fat, I presently keep that weight on there because it marks the transition point between the initial goal and this girl's journey into full blown body recomposition using strength, resistance, and weights in addition to some cardio.

In fact, I can tell in this latest pic - the lats and triceps are starting to come along nicely. And, I don't know if it's true - but I definitely see some increase in muscle mass since the beginning of summer.

But, needless to say when I hit the 150 lb. mark and began to reverse diet up to what I thought were maintenance cals, I also decided to take the fitness goals to whole new level. This is combination to the fact that I was slowly adding cals back in is in effect why I have continued to lose. Even when I hit what might have been my maintenance cals, the activity levels were increasing and so I have continued to lean out.

This is also in part why I will be increasing the daily average next month from 1686 cals to 1725 cals per day. I want see to what happens if I put in a little more. It won't be substantial. I'm still pulling out one of my surplus days and re-adjusting the one surplus day I will have to around the 3500-3800 due to decreased activity. But, I want to see if it's feasible to maintain between 112-117 lbs.

With regards to the 150 lbs. recorded on my FS profile - It's also nice to pop into that profile and be reminded that this body not only exceeded my own expectations, but has and still continues to transcend well beyond them. So, for the time being that old goal is staying put. LOL

Anywho - I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend. I hope you're safe from the fires if you live in CA. Have an abundantly blessed week and I will catch you next weekend!
51.1 kg これまでの減量分: 44.2 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に0.1 kg増量中

137 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Great job! That's awesome 🤙🏾 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: Taurean B
Thank you, Erq & Taurean - It has really been an amazing experience. Keeps me humble, thankful, and driven to keep exploring and expanding this body's potential :-) 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: Egull1
You are always astounding me! Great work! Beautiful muscles! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: davidsprincess
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: Moe Menard
Wow! Amazing, super toned arms! You look like a totally different person. You were very cute in your before pictures too. 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: kattay
Wow!! Badass!! 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: RNIFer
Absolutely astonishing achievement Egull !! 💪🔥❣️ 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: sk.17
Inspirational. Thank you for sharing. 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: jollyfox
Holy guacamole! What a triumph! 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: Good Gracious Curvaceous
Thank you so much for your beautiful comments. I want you all to know that I love and respect the being in each one of these pics. If it wasn't for the persistence, and determination of the woman in the first pic (bottom right), the left one could not be. Everyday - I hope I'm doing justice to the woman who first began this journey and the one in the upper right who decided on curiosity and sheer will alone that she wanted to fully manifest this body's capabilities. I cannot embrace the full joy of what I have become now without feeling immense love and tender gratitude to the ladies on the right hand side. They're wisdom still guides me... 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: Egull1
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: lettygaylor
holy gin show Batman. nice work.  
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: one.point.O
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: one.point.O
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: John10251
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: jcmama777
Oh yes. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻❤️❤️❤️ 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: Lowkeylife
Your hard work has really paid off! 💪💜👍👏 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: Diana 1234
wow! you look great!!! 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: clking911
Inspirational. 👐🏼☯️ 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: Dirtglider
Amazing job Egull! I too have set my goal weight as 150 lbs. While I’m just starting on my journey and you have surpassed it, it’s testimonies like yours that give me hope and encouragement. Thanks for sharing your journey with the rest of us, and keep up the Great work beautiful lady! 
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: pjlpn2012





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