Monday and it's raining with a storm coming so once again I have to acknowledge the RX is working because the last time it rained I cried all day. So far so good.

Thank you as always for your kind comments on my journal Friday. I know, in the scheme of things the grandson thing was a drop in the bucket. I'm just stalled trying to come up with a suitable measured consequence to reinforce 'no means no but I still love you'. Apparently 'the Nana look' has lost it's power and I need to be more creative to get him to 21 without visiting him through plexiglass.

Farmers Market Saturday morning followed by a day of out of town shopping, dining and theater with my friend. I had a great time. I bought a blouse but moreover, I was treated nice by a boutique sales person.

I know that seems pathetic but if you've ever been extremely overweight you'll understand. Being obese in a boutique is the equivalent of being a poorly dressed hooker on Rodeo Drive.

Total mix of emotions and voices when she handed me a pair of size 8 slacks to try on with the blouse I had in my hand, especially as she'd looked at the size before handing it to me. I looked at the tag and said '8?' and she asked 'what size are you normally'. I just answered 'oh, I'm never sure.' No need to tell my story right now to the person who was treating me like any other normal shopper. Wild. And yes, they fit but I didn't like them. Go figure. Me not buying something just because it fit.

I had Gelato for the first time - amazing. I read yesterday that 'because it is lower in fat it doesn't line the mouth the way ice cream does so the flavor is more intense'. I would agree. I ordered 'black cherry' in smallest size and still only ate a fourth of it - it was just that powerful.

81.2 kg これまでの減量分: 48.1 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に0.4 kg減量中


Nice to hear you went out and had some fun. That's always good for the soul. And how exciting to be treated like a human being too. 
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: cjmurph
I'll have to try the gelato. Interesting concept! Size 8 is not easy achievement for us and I'm not there yet but one day maybe! 
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: Neptunebch
Well done, Bella. Love the 'what size are you normally?' Better yet, I love your response. After all, you ARE a normal shopper. If you like gelato, have you ever tried Ciao Bella gelato? I love it (and I don't like ice cream), but can't have it because I'm lactose intolerant. My favourite is lime graham (actually it's the only one I ever had). 
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: Helewis
I love gelato, too. We have a shop nearby that makes all of their own stuff fresh and there are sooooo many great flavors to choose from. I've been adventurous and tried a few different ones but my favorite is one that the name escapes me but it is chocolate hazelnut (and no, it wasn't called Nutella) and it is to die for. But, as you pointed out, a small is more than enough (and it's pricey, too!). Great job surprising yourself with the size 8 pants (as opposed to not even trying them on!). Being treated without disdain is a welcome change when shopping after you've lost weight but it just shouldn't be that way in the first place. Sigh. But that is our world. Take it or leave it.  
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: evelyn64
@CJ - thank you - I felt it was definitely time for me to get away and I felt I was trying for every drop out of the day (and did!) @Neptune - yeah, it was weird; been a few years @Heather - this was my first gelato & funny, I don't think it was Ciao Bella ((I can't remember where we were))but I NEARLY but a handbag that had that on it that day simply because of the Bella @Evelyn - my friend had paid and she's the doggy bag queen so I felt bad not wanting to finish it but wasn't going to let that get in the way of taking care of me. I just said ' I hope you don't get upset but I really did not expect them to top it off like that and I just don't eat this much sugar at one time.. '  
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: FullaBella
A size 8? Fabulous. Who cares if you liked them or not, they fit - isn't that fabulous? Being a size 8 you can shop ANYWHERE you darn well please and you don't have to take any snot from any size 0 twerp who gets in your way. That's a 'normal' size! So glad you had a nice day Saturday and that you aren't feeling all gloomy 'cause it's raining. Let me know what you figure out about your grandson. LOL on trying to get him to 21 without visiting him through plexiglass. :) :) Gelato - never tried it - something else for me to try at some point. I love all things Italian so I am sure I will like it to.  
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: sarahsmum
And your weight bar has turned blue - meaning you are so close to goal! Woot Woot 
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: sarahsmum
@Isabel - thank you my friend. Yeah, cool on the fit but in the past I'd buy them just because they fit, like a 'woohoo, I'm a size smaller than I thought' but I'm glad I didn't, even the next day. BTW - my goal is to not gain, I just always set my goal 5lbs lower at a time although I should just set it whatever weight I am whenever I weigh in.. 
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: FullaBella
So glad to hear the med is working, and no side effects? Good for you! I have to go back & read your Fri journal to understand your dilemma with your grandson. Also glad you had a nice outing including a "normal" shopping experience -- it should always be that way, my friend, even though you are so much more than normal! Xoxox 
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: Ruhu
Awww you shopping and treated nice brought a big ole smile to my face..its so true people treat others so differently..I know of this older woman she came into a store after working in her garden and hadn't dressed up..she was in a hurry for some reason or another..and one of the girls wouldn't wait on her..Now this woman was Rich!!!!! and a few days later she came in all decked out in her new clothes and this same girl wanted to wait on her..she said no I want the one that was kind to me the other that girl lost a great commission for not wanting to wait on this woman..You never know...but I have found that people that are rich are really like us only they can buy what they want any time they want...:O)..Where do you find the Gelato..and is it like ice cream???..Oh and you look lovely in Blue..:O) 
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: BHA
A love a day away of shopping and having food adventures. What a well deserved treat. 8, 8 ,8....just awesome and amazing... bravo. Lots of fun shopping in your future. 
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: sharonfriz
Bella you're an awesome gal! I love how you bring perspective and a smile to my day. Glad to hear the meds are working for you.  
2013年 07月 15日 投稿者: Josie Ann
So happy for you. You have registered that you have some agency over your wardrobe, your identity, your food choices & intake, your life. Well done you Bella!! 
2013年 07月 16日 投稿者: Sweet Ce
@Angel - thank you. So far the only side effect I've noted is trouble sleeping - but that may be just one it hasn't fixed as I was waking up a lot before I started taking the RX. @Bren - you know, Neimans USED to train their salespeople 'I don't care if the customer walks in looking like they just came in from the hayfield, you treat them with the same respect as those who arrive in furs' but things sure have changed. You'd think every salesperson in the world has seen the 'pretty woman' movie but it's obvious they haven't. The gelato was a little specialty shop in one of those shopping community places - not trying to be vague this time on purpose - I really don't remember the name of the place. But it was like going into a Stone or Baskins but all Gelato and yes, LIKE ice cream but IMO better. @Sharon - thank you my friend but I must fess up - they were a stretchy 8 :-) LOL @Josie - thank you - I'm pleased when sharing my day makes someone smile. @ Ce - thank you too. Yes, I actually feel like my life is fitting a little better or I've just finally grown into my life. 
2013年 07月 16日 投稿者: FullaBella





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