So this week will entail a surplus day. Mom and I have planned it for Friday and as usual the goal is to eat all the things, LOL. The swim season has officially begun and according to my fitbit, I have already put in a good 4 miles of swimming this weekend with an approximate 900 cal burn in total in addition to my normal workouts. I also implemented the plan to increase cals on those low cal days and I can attest it helps immensely as I can fit in a snack after a workout and then after a swim. I'm keeping my protein on the high side to ensure I'm satiated and adding in more grams of carbs here and there for extra energy. The next surplus day will be 1 of 2 I will have in July. I usually do an "every other week" thing when swimming starts and it works out well and allows me to fuel the extra activity without losing muscle.

Another thing I want to start doing is posting some of my meals, especially the ones my Mama makes. She is the predominate cook in this household and makes a lot of healthy meals. It occurs to me as she gets older that I want to start keeping track of the things she makes so when the time comes that I will be making them for both of us, I have some kind of log to refer back to. Not all of it will be what she makes, but a good old fashioned food journal is a nice way to get an over all birds eye view into what goes into my diet. I apologize in advance to anyone it may trigger.

Below is this week's maintenance calorie trajectory. I will do my best this time to post what I eat on my surplus day instead of getting so caught up in inhaling all the goodness :-)

Monday - 1686
Tuesday - 1686
Wednesday - 1725
Thursday - 1686
Friday - 2400 plus
Saturday - 1563
Sunday - 1567
Average TDEE 1700
Current TDEE for the Summer months = 1700/day
2400 plus cals 2 days/month
Working to maintain between 123-130 lb range

Have a wonderful bless week, everyone! And, soak up every bit of sunshine you can!
51.8 kg これまでの減量分: 43.5 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に0.8 kg減量中

6 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Love your organization and discipline 
2020年 06月 28日 投稿者: HCB





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