Still leaning out...measurements around waist and hip remain the same.

One of the things I do want to get checked out when this has passed is my thyroid. I want to make sure this weight loss is not due to a hyperactive thyroid. I am post menopausal, 46, and on an experimental drug for MS that costs about $8000.00/month that big pharma pays for. And, don't have any clue what the long term impact is on other vital organs, which is why I have to report to an FDA registered nurse once a year.

Most females around this age have issues with HYPO-active - which means the thyroid stops functioning or isn't functioning well. But, HYPER active thyroid means it's going overboard and unexplained weight loss is part of that phenomena. I don't think I'm having any other of the symptoms? But, with my situation those symptoms can easily be masked by the typical things I deal with as an MS'er. Sooooo, when it's safe to do it - I'm def getting the blood tested.

On the food score - trust me people when I say - your girl can take it down. LOL. It's actually quite amazing and most men have stared wide eyed at my capacity to take a large amount of food down in a small amount of time. hehehe. We're stretching our food out for sure - but, I'm hitting all my cal targets so trust me there is no starvation going on here. To that end, it's time for breakfast! Have a happy day, everyone! Love and Blessings!
54.7 kg これまでの減量分: 40.6 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に0.5 kg減量中

5 人のサポーター    いいね!   





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