I smiled at this body this morn before I stepped on the scale. Like any weekend weigh-in, I said, "remember - I love you and I choose you today, and everyday. You just rock!" My scale weights amazes me too. The fluctuation is only .4- 1 lb difference Sunday to Sunday 90% of the time. Oh, this is a good thing btw - at least for this maintainer. It kinda confirms or at least substantiates a theory I have about the body and fluctuations. The body seems to like the least amount of fluctuation or is compelled to find that point at which it fluctuates in a predictable manner. Either way 138.0 lbs is excellent considering I increased the cal!s!! I'll be posting the weekly calorie trajectory later today and perhaps a little something about how I learned to predict what days gave me the next low with 95% accuracy when I was losing weight ---> it's actually all spelled out in my FS data/weigh-ins :-)
62.6 kg これまでの減量分: 32.7 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に0.2 kg減量中

17 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Wonderful on so many levels! I love the affirmation you are saying at weigh in time. It is so important to love and appreciate our bodies. They are not our enemy and never were. We need to nourish our bodies and make decisions that support our bodies-- to maintain a healthy weight and to give the muscles strength. The maintaining is a huge victory and the fact that it is predictable even more wonderful!! Thank you for sharing your journey. 
2019年 02月 3日 投稿者: 59Carol
My hero! I am following all your posts and it is helping in my maintenance goals! 
2019年 02月 3日 投稿者: Horseshu1
Love this! 💕 Once I learned to love my body (no matter what) my whole life changed! 🥰 
2019年 02月 3日 投稿者: mrsroboto
2019年 02月 3日 投稿者: HCB
2019年 02月 3日 投稿者: Keilin_4
2019年 02月 3日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins





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