OMAD (One Meal A Day)
Eating window 6:00pm-8:00pm

This Monday, I am restarting my 5 day a week fast.

I had planned to restart fasting only when my weight got up to 180lbs, but, no matter what my weight is on Monday, I plan to fast 5 days a week (my normal fasting schedule), until I am back down to 160lbs.

Here is why... I have to stop eating so much! Seriously, as I was munching on my Jack in the Box Ultimate Cheeseburger (to 'carb up' for energy for my weight lifting that evening), I thought to myself: "There is no reason I need to eat this much food... ever."

I consumed over 2300 calories yesterday, yes, I lost weight because my workout was 'intense' (see below), but consuming large amounts of food, for me, is emotionally, and more importantly, SPIRITUALLY, damaging.

The reason I feel it is Spiritually damaging, is that when I consume more food than I need to, my body and mind want more, More, MORE! There is always room for 'one more carb'. People who are able to 'control' their eating can control their eating. But, those that have PROVEN that they cannot control their eating (like myself), must accept this and work within their limitations. For me, fasting works.

You don't 'control' your eating when fasting, you simply 'surrender' and 'accept' that you will not eat for the designated period.

Anyway, On a lighter note, @PrincessValerie went with me to the gym 🏋️‍♀️🏋🏾‍♂️for the first time yesterday 😍. We had a nice half hour walk to the gym. I was able to get in 3 sets of: Bench Press - 85lbs (10 reps), Deadlift – 105lbs (6 reps), Squat - 105lbs (10 reps), Pullups - (10 reps), Shrug - 105lbs (10 reps) in 45 minutes.

She got herself familiar with the weight machines (Weights-Yay!).

When we got home I then did: 3 sets of: Bicep Curl - 40lbs (10 reps), Pushups - (10 reps), Crunch - (33 reps).

The only thing that was sacrified was sitting in front of the TV 📺.
78.9 kg これまでの減量分: 15.0 kg.    残り: 4.5 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1194 kcal 脂質: 81.34g | たんぱく質: 96.30g | 炭水化物: 15.17g.   朝食: Nature's Way MCT Oil, Quest Vanilla Milkshake Protein Powder, Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream. 夕食: Butter, Zucchini, Parmesan Cheese (Shredded), Kiolbassa Polish Style Smoked Sausage, Quest Vanilla Milkshake Protein Powder, Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream. 軽食/その他: Slim Jim Original Turkey, Just the Cheese Crunchy Baked Cheese. もっと...
2209 kcal 運動: 歩く(ふつう) - 時速5km - 1 時間   30 分, 休憩 - 14 時間   30 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...
週に3.2 kg減量中

39 人のサポーター    いいね!   

See ya TV! When you align a way of thinking with spirituality, this strengthens it tremendously. If fasting works for you don't stop. I am finding control in my journey and staying away from certain things because like you, I know when they touch my tongue, it's over! I am happy for you and the misses. Keep going. 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: chesgreen
I understand exactly what you are saying about wanting more and more carbs. And you’re right, some people can control it without any problem, and others (like us) have to know our limitations and work with them. When I say carbs and sugar are like crack to me, I’m not being cute, I’m dead a$$ serious! Do what’s best for you! And congrats to you and Princess Val on your gym visit!! I wish my hubby wasn’t skinny and set in his ways, cause I could use a live in workout buddy! 😂 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: mrsroboto
are you going to up your protein drink to keep up some calories?? this new lean machine needs that protein during the week. I always like that part of your fast, feeding your body protein to help protect against too much muscle loss. Did your wife enjoy her workout?? I hope she did not overwork herself and be sore this morning.  
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: baskington
I completely understand you, I'm not emotionally prepared to gain weight either, I should already have a plan to gain muscle mass but I do not have it 😐 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: keilin-4
Yay us! Thank you so much for the gym membership baby...I really enjoyed it and look forward to making our bodies in to smoking hot machines for Jamaica! Love you! 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: princessvalerie
@princessvalerie - Thanks baby! I am sooo excited about you adding weight resistance to your exercise! I know you will get amazing results that will make you sooo happy :) 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@baskington - I plan to keep up the Protein drinks because I-really-enjoy-them :) And they don't seem to slow my fasting - - I know I need to allow @PrincessValerie to move at her own pace (because I know it would make me crazy if someone 'pushed' me too much). but she did 'take it easy' :) 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@keilin-4 - I think you are doing great! - - I plan to 'bulk' again, I just think I want to limit it to two week periods. This last period was 3 weeks :( 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: adefwebserver
Carbing up for workouts can help and is traditional thinking.... but the body can adapt too.. There seems to be a myth that carbs are absolutely necessary to be able to lift.. I say myth because I hit the gym 5 times a week while rebuilding and for those first 3 months I did so on 20 to 25 grams of carbs a day.. Yes, at first I felt sluggish and weak to try to get through a training session.. but the body adapted.. At first, I substituted traditional carbs by double dosing creatine and phase 8 whey.. This whey has 5 carbs that is released slowly not all at the same time... I started with 5 sets of 20 of each exercise.. with moderate weight... Then after 3 weeks.. cranked the weight to maximum weight that was set for muscle failure on rep 17 of the last set... When failure stops happening and the full 20 are done... that means it is time to add weight. Another secret is to always do high intensity training.. This , to me means crank out a set in between for no more than 30 seconds...then superset an opposing muscle group..30 seconds rest and then back to the primary exercise for the next set.. I do this routine for 75 minutes to get through the entire training session.. This is exactly why I do not train at a commercial gym.. They have become too much of a social club and singles bar... whereas high intensity training has become all but impossible... with machines tied up by people that are chit chatting... I'm not there for that purpose... so I converted a room in the house to a 200 square foot gym.. but I'm old school... and an Iron Party is about the iron... nothing else.. Humans can always push themselves far beyond artificial limits they have set for themselves... Like , preachers curls , for instance.. I started off at a reasonable starting weight... and am now doing 8 sets of them with a weight that starts at 115 lbs and accending to 140... and superset dumbell tricep extensions in between.. at 85 lbs.. Build your weight capacity slowly at first... but don't limit your eventual ability... you can do far more than you realize. 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: senseiande
@mrsroboto - Thanks for the support. Yes, you get it! 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@chesgreen - You keep going too! I know you have to find what works for *you* everything else is just 'data'. 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@senseiande - Thank you soo much for that! I will try it because I intend to keep lifting 3 days a week. 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@abwebserver It is generally true that most people underestimate their abilities... thus set lower goals... and then have issues reaching those lower goals, set by themselves.. Set the bar high... and you will achieve it... This is not unlike educational levels for children... if the bar is set low.. they may or may not achieve it.. if it is set high... they will acheive it.. because eventually they realize their true capacity.. and the mental feedback becomes positive energy... I know you can do this.. because i think you said you are in your early 50's.. I got 10 to 12 years on you..and I'm doing it... and what one can can another. 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: senseiande
5 day fasting wow that amazes me! Good for you to recognize your limitations! I like you can always have one more.....recognizing and accepting this took me sometime and if I'm not conscious of my choices I can really go overboard.  
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: elsie chag
On fasting... It is true that fasting can be beneficial... within reason... can also rob the very energy you seek to rebuild.. another approach may be.. to fast a little less... and substitute those days you drop..with serious intent in the gym.. Thus you will not only burn the calories you take in... but you will build strength, motivation and resolve... long journeys are accomplished with small steps.... but ..just my take... there are many paths up the mountain.. we all see the same moon from the summit. 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: senseiande
I am so with you about eating makes you want more - that's why the 16:8 IF is working for me I think - takes away trying to control and just says no - much easier to not think about it during fasting - keep it up! Glad you and your wife can enjoy the gym together - that is wonderful! 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: nikeit
I think this is great Senseiande that you are posting how you did your body building with low carbs. Knowing it can be done gives Adef other options to look into if he gets tired of dealing with loading up carbs. Do you also load up on more calories for your work out days?? I am interested in your comments too. I am not ever going to be a heavy lifter, but I am into more weight on my resistance training and love to read other peoples success stories.  
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: baskington
@nikeit - Yeah I do AT LEAST 16:8 7 days a week for the same reasons you do :) I try to do 22:2 on weekdays. My problem is I STILL manage 2k in calories on a 20:2! So when I 'fast' I am 24:0 :) 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: adefwebserver
Awwwww you and princessvalorie are an awesome team!! I’d wish you good luck on your 5 days fasts but you’ve got that in the bag. And I feel you on the carb-o-holic problems. Cutting them out completely is the only reason I’m where I’m at right now 👍 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: CrashtestDawnie
adef - I used to do 6k cal in a sitting no problem (and not a long sitting)- I've done that so many times - who knew that fasting could change so much even with just 16:8! 
2018年 08月 22日 投稿者: nikeit





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