I am not sure where to start. There are so many things going around in my head that I feel like I need to write them down to make sense of them. My weight has become more than a vanity issue, it is a health issue. I gave up smoking 2 years ago, it seems I have gone from one addiction to another. Food. I am a mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, wife, friend, auntie and granddaughter myself and I feel that I cannot be who I truly am in any of these roles. My children have all grown and left home and maybe it is the empty nest syndrome, maybe from playing the role of mother and wife for so many years I have forgotten who I am. My children are my life and I am finding it hard to deal with not taking care of anyone. I eat because I am down and miss them all, and then I eat because I feel bad for eating so much. How does any of this make sense. I considered my health pretty good, I was happy and social and positive before I quit smoking. When I quit I became depressed, antisocial, as all my friends still smoked, and I gained so much weight. I stopped exercising as my body began to hurt and I could not drag myself out of bed most days.

I have approached family and tried to talk to them about how I feel and they do not deal well with me being so down. They want their "old mum" back, the happy, go lucky, super active one. My husband has lost interest in sex and while he maintains that it is his aging body that is to blame, I often feel that it is because of the extra 30 kilos and the hormonal depression that is the true cause. I have gone to a doctor and seen a Gyno, both say that I am entering menopause and many of my symptoms are due to that. I am not a candidate for hormone replacement therapy due to my family history of ovarian cancer so I have to basically deal with this day to day.

While I appear to be negative, I am in fact very thankful. I have a chance to change things and improve my life and wellbeing. Many do not. I feel very alone and often wonder how I will do this on my own. I have always been the one to support others when they need it but for some reason, this is not the case within my circle of friends and family. So I am here to be with like minded people who understand my struggle, especially with weight.

Onto better days!

9 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Please dont despair- life WILL get better. Make an effort to get out, go bushwalking, volunteer, anything but stay home and feel sorry for yourself. You are loved by many, even if they are too busy to let you know. 
2017年 06月 5日 投稿者: pamrob
I so understand... about 40 years ago when I was in my 20's I was in a similar place.... my only way out of my hole was to hang in there and never give up.... try and be kind to yourself and do things that you enjoy for you to distract your mind from going deep into that dreadful abyss of the black dog... if I can do it than you can too.. you sound like a beautiful caring loving person and you have been caring for others for years...now it is time to do that to yourself for yourself... make yourself your number one priority.... you are so worth it ... all the best wishes coming to you right now 🙏🏻 
2017年 06月 5日 投稿者: dejavoodoo
Thank you for your inspiration I have determination now after reading your blog we all you can do this Determination brings motivation 
2017年 06月 9日 投稿者: suzy34
Oh my dear, I feel for you so much! You could try some St John's Wort from the chemist or health food store...in studies it has proven to be as effective as anti-depressant medication. I think sometimes we do lose touch with ourselves, often by giving too much, and giving too much up, to pacify others. Service to other beings is wonderful, but service to the self is imperative. Try to get the sensual back into your life in ways other than sex. Long hot baths with candles, silk sheets, beautiful perfumes, eating for pleasure as well as health...you can combine the two. You will adjust to the feeling of loss, but it does take an adjustment. Every day love yourself and give thanks for even the smallest bit of 'good' that comes your way. Big hugs and lots of love xxx 
2017年 06月 12日 投稿者: ArielleKelly
Hi! Please do not feel as discouraged I don't know where your from but most likely live very far from me I live in Sydney Australia and I feel the same way like things aren't working out sometimes we must know that their are others experiencing heart ache and sadness due to weight and other issues but just as long as we acknowledge it, that's already a step to success keep going your great within your kind and must treat yourself with more compassion due to quiting cigarettes that's already an awesome achievement well done stay positive😊 
2017年 06月 13日 投稿者: Loysta
My mum was very depressed after giving up smoking and retiring. She found that the only days she wasn't depressed were the days she volunteered at a dog rescue centre. Now she goes to the gym and is more social. Definitely get out of the house a little each day if possible. If you can find a way to be social and use your body that would be great as exercise is great for the brain. I think focussing on happiness, being busy and having meaning in life will help and then work on the weight thing later. We've all been down before so it's great you're sharing what your going through. Keep going, gorgeous lady. Beauty is more than skin deep! You've got this! Xx 
2017年 06月 13日 投稿者: georgimarie





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