Crap day just had enough of a lot of things!! ended up with hitting the snack the feeling pissed of and frustrated

12 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Aw, sorry to hear you've had sh***y day. One bad day food wise won't ruin your progress. Sometimes we need the comfort of food. Tomorrow's a new day. Hope it's a better one for you xx 
2024年 03月 21日 投稿者: Tiesha86
unfortunately it’s almost a daily feeling now but yesterday was particularly bad. Maybe time to look at changes. Your comment and support mean a lot. Thanks lovely x 
2024年 03月 22日 投稿者: adpreso
Sounds rotten, Ads. Sometimes in life you have no control over things and you just have to work around it. And other things you can take control of and get things back on your terms! Sometimes its difficult to differentiate between the two. 
2024年 03月 22日 投稿者: Anne_145
And you get bogged down and frustrated. I write a list when that happens. It helps me clear the mind and focus. 
2024年 03月 22日 投稿者: Anne_145
Think I’ve made a decision today ☺️.  
2024年 03月 22日 投稿者: adpreso
hey. it's okay. tomorrow is a new day!  
2024年 03月 22日 投稿者: rehab raheem
😊 yes, and it’s time to make some changes 😊 
2024年 03月 22日 投稿者: adpreso





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