my love story continues ❤️. When Finley was about2/5 years old, we had him stay. The boys were living with Cheryl by now as after Finley dad was so awful even though Jim had chased him away. He still tried to stick around, but luckily, he got no were. Claire didn't at the time cope mentally. So when Jim and I had Finley, we used to drive past the flat and pretend we didn't know where we lived. Finley would call us silly and tell us we're we lived, but Jim just kept driving past our flat a few times. sometimes Finley would hide, so he thought but easy to see him, but we pretended we couldn't see him. (For around 15 minutes, he blessed him and waited very quietly. ) Also, Finley liked cuddles and reading to me, but usually, he was just making it up by looking at the pictures. As time goes by, we take a 3 of them swimming and swam with them. When we went camping, Jim would wait until dark and pretend he was a Misterons they thought he was so funny. A bit more another day. Weigh day tomorrow and last day of binging. Gad cornish pastie and triple chocolate brownie as well. I know I have months of sadness to come, maybe a year or so. I am not sure what lies a head for me. I don't really want to fund out take each day as it comes best way the only way. I'm waffling so good night all. love to hear some of your stories for a change. love and very best wishes Merry Mel ❤️

17 人のサポーター    いいね!   

So sorry for your loss! 
2024年 03月 8日 投稿者: abbadabba
Jim was a great guy. And fun!! You have wonderful memories.  
2024年 03月 8日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams





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