hello, everyone. How are you all doing? Weigh day tomorrow. I've been busy again today, but none stop. Cleaned and washed the last of the windows, lots of mould all gone now, thank goodness. I went shopping, and I am now waiting for the chap to repair my radiator in the bathroom. steps nearly all done just under 600 todo. In the next chapter, Jim and l had many goid holidays in different parts of England. one day, Jim started working in Redill with his brother in law Pete, I was cleaning in a furniture shop in Hastings. Jim spent all week here and came home at weekends, but sometimes he babysat for Claire, who only had Hayden and Bailey then. That was 20 years ago they were babies. I was stuck on my own. So Jim suggested we were to find a flat in Redhill, it took about 3 months Janet his sister found the one I am in now. It's a lovely flat one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and quite a large sitting room. We came here, saw the flat put a deposit down. All Jim's family helped us move the trouble was no garage space, so two bycicles ended up on our front room until we found out there was room where the buns were kept. We settled I. Redhill easy. when we first came here in 2008, all was great for many years. Will write more later. Got a headache. love to you all Merry Mel 🤩

9 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Your journal has prompted me to look on the map as to where Redhill is. Now I know. What struck me is how anglicised we are here in Canada. So many of the names there are in active use here. 
2024年 03月 1日 投稿者: Annisworkingonit
Sounds like a great place to live. I hope the headache resolves quickly.  
2024年 03月 2日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams





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