Two weeks until holiday parties begin, as Halloween approaches. Time to set boundaries!🚫❌🚫

Holiday Tip: Don't bake unhealthy food (cookies, cake, etc.) to bring to parties. Simply show up bearing a bottle of booze or a bouquet of flowers.

***This tip is a side-step from the basic weight loss rule of "Don't Bring That Junk Into Your Home, Because You WILL Eat It."
53.7 kg これまでの減量分: 23.7 kg.    残り: 1.5 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に0.1 kg減量中

43 人のサポーター    いいね!   

At our age there are no parties. Can't even remember the last time I was at one. hope I had fun! LOL. 
2023年 10月 13日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams
🤣 I never think of you being old, @Morticia! But wait -- isn't Halloween a holiday that your family celebrates?  
2023年 10月 13日 投稿者: JustBananas
Lol, I think I love you already ❤️😙. Just show up with a bottle of booze lol 😆😺. Idk, 😐 My Mom is crazy her and her ladies her weekly card ♦️♠️ games and booze is a regular player ^^. Her wife and her have lots of fun hosting such events and it seems to be really good for them (mentally especially after COVID made life so isolated). mom used to go to dog shows and a lot of events and festivals but due to the covid-related issues and also having an autoimmune condition she's not able to attend so many events as she used to so this allows her to be social with a much smaller group of individuals then going to mass events with hundreds of people that she doesn't know. I do like your quip it about the holidays though very funny.  
2023年 10月 13日 投稿者: Leah_guffey
Beer and ice cream are two things I shouldn't keep in the house! 
2023年 10月 13日 投稿者: GoalOnederLand
@Goal: that's a remarkably short list! @Leah: I have never had a hostess complain about receiving flowers or wine. Ever. 😁  
2023年 10月 14日 投稿者: JustBananas
Agree, don’t bring it into the home. 
2023年 10月 14日 投稿者: Mike in NC
Just wait until January, when everyone boo-hoos about how they baked cookies and ate 3-6 before bringing them to the event, then overindulging, then bringing home junky leftovers to binge eat for the next few days. And the train wreck all began in their own kitchen when they brought home flour, sugar and baking powder. SMH. 
2023年 10月 14日 投稿者: JustBananas
Plus, there's just candy everywhere for Halloween. It's worse than Christmas, though it doesn't last as long. Just don't let it pass your lips. It's the first time that breaks the dam -- a little bit of candy is an oxymoron for me. Once I start, the likelihood of stopping is slim -- until a lot of damage has been done! 
2023年 10月 14日 投稿者: erikahollister
@Erica: Yeah, I wouldn’t buy and bring home candy, either. Just give trick-or-treaters a couple of dollars or a handful of change (whatever you would have spent on the candy). 
2023年 10月 14日 投稿者: JustBananas
I'm the grump who just turns off the porch light and doesn't hand out treats 🤣 Mostly because I don't have a doorbell and I have to literally sit at the window all night and watch for them. This generation of children has no clue how to knock on house doors, so I never hear them. Good idea to set boundaries! I go to more potlucks than regular parties, so I usually have the option of bringing something healthy. If it's a treat sharing kind of event, there's always the option of bringing a plate of fresh berries -- they look gorgeous  
2023年 10月 15日 投稿者: writingwyo
Berries in fall or winter sounds expensive! Better than bringing cookies, for sure. But I stand by my habit of bearing a vase of flowers or potted chrysanthemums, which the host can enjoy for a whole week and not gain weight from. 
2023年 10月 15日 投稿者: JustBananas
Lying in wait for costumed children to approach sounds creepy, @Wyo, and I am assuming you wrote that intentionally in the spirit of spooky Halloween 🎃 
2023年 10月 15日 投稿者: JustBananas
As someone whose husband doesn't buy flowers, I would adore it if someone brought some to a party. Great idea! 
2023年 10月 15日 投稿者: writingwyo
I agree to not bring that junk into your house or you’ll eat it mantra! Goes for alcohol with me as well. 💚 
2023年 10月 15日 投稿者: chicago ken
Oh man, @Wyo, that would be a deal-breaker for me. I think you may just have to throw a bunch of parties this year to get that need met!💐 @Ken: I own nothing that enables me to bake. The only reason I have a cookie sheet is so that I can roast veggies. I stand by that rule, no matter the season. My kitchen is a safe zone for dieters. 🍇🍉🍓🍌🍆🥦🥑🍅🥕🫘🫛🌶️ 
2023年 10月 15日 投稿者: JustBananas
He makes up for it in many, many other ways, JB. We see a lot of wildflowers when we hike. That'll suffice 😊 
2023年 10月 15日 投稿者: writingwyo
Hi Just banana's, firstly I love the name, that's me too but as in daft, not the fruit.🤣😅. Golly I am daft. Mt best friend Angela from school said Melly, you are daft, but please don't change I love you the way you are. That is so warming to me as she's right. You are near the same weight as ne. Only 5 inches taller than me. But I wish you luck on your weight loss journeys. Very best wishes Merry Mel 🤩  
2023年 10月 15日 投稿者: Merry.Mel
Great tips! If brought in my home and left there I would have to take to work or throw it out. I don't like to throw anything out because I am a big advocate of leftovers but if it is not good for me I will do it! 
2023年 10月 25日 投稿者: Redporchlady
Thanks for sharing the tip. Sometimes I just need to hear the truth ya know 
2023年 10月 25日 投稿者: p$m





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