WOKE #209 same as before, HHHMMM might need to tweak a little, Walked over 13,000 steps yesterday and trainer back, I'm DO N more stretch exercising, as this old body does not work to good. I have some big parties next week for 2 dayzzz over 1000 each day was just lunch now they sent me email late last night also want 2 breakfast each morning, OUCH, that's going to leave a Bruise,I will need to make new travel arrangements etc for all the foods. So I know I will be out of it, sounds like getting up at 2 am and off to work every morning, and I'm kinda DO N OK ! let you know later.

5 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Wow, what an added workload! I hope you have additional helpers? Hope it all works out well for you! Keep on the stretching & stepping 👍🏼 
2023年 09月 28日 投稿者: FoodyDuty




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