Food binge came at 8:30 tonight (after going to bed at 5pm). An Armour Ham LunchMaker (200 calories), a small bowl of 1/2 c. Honey Nut Cheerios, a small Banana and 1/4 cup whole milk (just under 200 calories), and a King’s Hawaiian roll with 1/2 Tbsp butter on it (140 calories). Over 500 calories added when I should have been sleeping. Also, no BM today, so Weight will probably be up tmo. Knee and tooth both hurting. Used some Orajel for tooth, and took a Tizanidine (which usually makes me sleepy) for the knee. I could probably lose at least a pound a week just by quitting the “middle of the night” (for me) snacking. I SURE hope I don’t wake up AGAIN! Gotta get up about 4 to get a good start on things before I have to get ready for church - PT exerciseS, walking, etc. please pray for pain-free sleeping.

2077 kcal 脂質: 80.89g | たんぱく質: 72.96g | 炭水化物: 277.96g.   朝食: Bananas , Whole Milk, Honey Nut Cheerios, Dave's Killer Bread Good Seed Bread, Butter. 昼食: Armour LunchMakers Cracker Crunchers Cooked Ham, Olive Garden Spaghetti with Meat Sauce - Lunch-Sized Entrées. 夕食: Cooked Immature Lima Beans (from Fresh, Fat Added in Cooking), Land O'Lakes Salted Butter, King's Hawaiian Hawaiian Sweet Rolls, Lean Cuisine Comfort Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes. 軽食/その他: Rold Gold Pretzel Sticks, Kroger Vanilla Yogurt Covered Raisins, Watermelon, Specially Selected Creme Brulee, Bisca Danish Butter Cookies. もっと...

19 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Eat a more satiating dinner? More bulk veggies and more protein? 
2023年 09月 10日 投稿者: erikahollister
You sound like me with the King Hawaiian roll with butter. I usually buy the 4 pack. The intent is to just eat a part of one when I take Ibuprofen in the middle of the night. I usually eat the whole 4 pack. I also love Honey Nut Cheerios for a snack. Right now I have no edit that in thechouse 
2023年 09月 10日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
None of that in the house 
2023年 09月 10日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
I do too much of evening snacking. Bad habit. Erika had some good advice.  
2023年 09月 10日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams
Glad to know I’m not the only one that suffers from the middle-of-the-night binges (though I wouldn’t wish it on anybody)! 
2023年 09月 10日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
Personally the amount of carbohydrate you eat would put me on a blood sugar roller coaster which then leads to binge eating. Perhaps you might question whether it's having the same effect on you. Experiment with Erika's suggestions, perhaps? Waking up in the night with a strong urge to eat is a physiological issue, not failure of will. In such a case, a glass of whole milk alone would likely straighten you out and skip all that other sugary food.  
2023年 09月 10日 投稿者: trackin64
I found that if I don’t have enough protein during the day that I will crave junk or a snack in general at night. Usually I’m able to ignore the man next to me with his nightly bowl of chips or crackers or whatever else he’s having that he doesn’t need either 😡. When I drank a lot I’d get up in the middle of the night absolutely ravenous. No more of that! 
2023年 09月 10日 投稿者: Cass393
2023年 09月 10日 投稿者: StormsGirl




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