Hello All my favourite FC'S How are you all? Well I thought things were going well for Jim, but we found out today that they won't reverse operation to remove his stoma bag until his respiratory appointment and treatment is going on once this is done he can have the stoma bag taken away. He had an appointment for yesterday morning at 9.15am so bless him he took an hour to dress and get himself down stairs in the hospital only to be told sorry Mr. Halton your appointment has been cancelled because of shortness of staff. We waited three months for the appointment in the first place. Now today he asked front of desk to try and help him get an appointment to no avail we are still fighting for an appointment. so using my phone today Jim phoned to yet more disappointing results sweet fanny Adams nothing. The doctors and consultant are trying too and they are getting no where to. so fuss training so before I left today I had a talk to the doctors and gave them Jim's phone number some can be rung directly. Also we put it as an emergency so he can have his operation. we are not waiting two years to get this done. Honestly how much worse can it get? This is pissing us right off. Right What have you all been up to? Hope you all are well and most importantly doing well with your diets. take care All of you love as ever Merry Mel ❤️

24 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Oh how frustrating for you! I hope they crack under the pressure and Jim is seen soon. I also hope you are looking after yourself too, so easy to forget your needs when caring for someone else. I have had a truly lazy day today, but plan to make up for it tomorrow...plan 😬. 
2023年 08月 22日 投稿者: Lorneylorna
I would be upset too. They need to get on with taking care of Jim and stop stalling. Hugs. I sent a prayer.  
2023年 08月 22日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams
Hi thanks a lot, yes it's tearing our hair out. ( yes, Jim does have some) he is pushing today I will later on. Off to work shortly. Have good Wednesday everyone. Much love and blessings to you all. Merry 😍  
2023年 08月 23日 投稿者: Merry.Mel
It can be a struggle. I found the consultant's secretary to be very helpful when I was attempting to get some response for a family member. But I had to remain very calm and polite which wasnt easy under the circumstances. 
2023年 08月 23日 投稿者: Anne_145
get him to look up on YouTube Dr Joe Dispenzas he teaches you quantum healing techniques 
2023年 08月 23日 投稿者: shirley marshall
Hi Shirly and Anne, thank your All so very kind and loving it's a wonderful site. I would not be without it. We are all losing weight or putting it on for mussel gain. Whatever we are doing we are all so lovely and kind etc ❤️ 😊. I would ever come off it keeps me happy, and my spirits up. Love you all. Merry Mel 😍  
2023年 08月 23日 投稿者: Merry.Mel
Keep your chin up Merry Mel, we are all with you and Jim! 😊😊 
2023年 08月 23日 投稿者: Jakko57
Big hugs to you and your Jim. It must be very frustrating for you both. Keep strong and keep going xx🤗🤗 
2023年 08月 24日 投稿者: Tenacious 1
Absolutely shocking when even the consultant can't get anything done! I'm so angry for you both! 
2023年 08月 26日 投稿者: D00dle





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