Good morning, everyone. How did you all feel after the Coranation and the concert last night? I am buzzing pity. The weather is not buzzing, too. Still all good. Sadly back to normal now, eg rubbish will still be dropped on the ground, people will still be fighting wars. Children will still be fighting each other and so on and on. Sorry 😞 but its true, unless the second and third generation don't stop now destroying life and themselves it will continue. Cruelty to humans and animals MUST STOP NOW!!!!. WAKE UP WORLD AND THINK OF WHAT WECARE ALL DOING TO EACH OTHER AND OUR PLANET. YOUR FUCTURE AWAITES PLEASE USE IT WISELY. Merry Mel 😍

7 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Remember we are not all royalist Mel so please 🙏 don't shove down our throats.  
2023年 05月 8日 投稿者: Chessnut64
Think Mel’s point is more around the environment and global peace than the royals tbh …. 
2023年 05月 8日 投稿者: SairThom





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