Hooray! Down 2.4 pounds this week - from 224.6 to 222.2. That’s encouraging! I did end up going over my daily average target of 1,600. Couldn’t go to sleep for hours last night, and got up and ate a piece of Dave’s Killer Good Seed toast with butter and a cup of hot tea, bringing my average up to 1,649. Oh well. Things happen. Not going to beat myself up about it.

This week’s goal is a lofty one: 1,450. I’ve only achieved that twice in my 23 weeks of dieting. I’m starting to pray now that I won’t be derailed by Christmas festivities! So far, I’ve stayed under 2,000 calories every day, and I’d like to hold on to that accomplishment.

Everyone have a great week!!!

1511 kcal 脂質: 71.80g | たんぱく質: 54.95g | 炭水化物: 171.34g.   朝食: Smithfield Boneless Ham Steak, Great Value Egg, Dave's Killer Bread Good Seed Bread, Land O'Lakes Salted Butter. 昼食: Chinese Casserole (serving is 1/8th of casserole). 夕食: Cooked Immature Lima Beans (Fat Added in Cooking). 軽食/その他: Hershey's Kit Kat, Navels Oranges , Specially Selected Creme Brulee. もっと...

52 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Great job! 
2022年 12月 5日 投稿者: Regor73
Always a balance between keeping the calorie count down enough while also nourishing yourself enough so it's sustainable and you're not tempted to binge because you're over-hungy. You're doing great, Debbie! 
2022年 12月 5日 投稿者: writingwyo
Great job 👍, keep up the good work 💯 
2022年 12月 5日 投稿者: cmj29
Good job recording all you do and making the best decision you can each day! 
2022年 12月 5日 投稿者: djeffers62
Nice drop Debbie!!! 
2022年 12月 5日 投稿者: John10251
You got this Debbie !!!! 
2022年 12月 5日 投稿者: DO N OK
Great Job Debbie. I am impressed with your progress lately. Whatever you are doing is working, but if it's not broke, why fix it. I am also concerned with over ambitious goals. If you feel hungry and stressed now, will dropping the goal lower be of any use or just be another discouragement? Will dropping in lower put your body in starvation mode and hold on to all the fat for dear life. Mine did, and I had to eat more for a few months and start over. Why not take the win and virtually run with it? While exercise may not help lose weight quickly, it does make you feed good , keep fit and cardio healthy. I am guessing that around 1600 calories is your daily requirement to lose 2 lbs a month safely. Why not heed it? Best on luck on your continued weight loss. 👍👍👍  
2022年 12月 5日 投稿者: Fiberoptic
I’m right there with you girl. I’m 66 years old, 215pounds and ready to get under 200.  
2022年 12月 5日 投稿者: Trishadisha
2022年 12月 5日 投稿者: 2melons
Well done, Debbie! Have a wonderful day!:) 
2022年 12月 6日 投稿者: NAVYWIFESKI
Glad to hear your wonderful achievement!👍😄  
2022年 12月 6日 投稿者: Anne Stephanie
@Fiberoptic - I've been varying my daily average of calories each week since I began 23 weeks ago. I've had as little as 1,440 and as much as 1,791 average daily calories in a week. Overall, I've lost 1.58 pounds a week doing this. It might not work for everyone, but I'm pleased with the results I'm getting. Thanks so much for your comment! 
2022年 12月 7日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
You're doing great Debbie, you're eating a healthy diet and you're losing at a steady rate! Keep up the good work. 💛💜💚 
2022年 12月 7日 投稿者: shirfleur 1




Debbie Cousinsの体重の記録

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