Tonight summer dinner: Greek salad (my version), a toast with eggplant cream and a toast with pumpkin cream. Simple but very good

1147 kcal 脂質: 38.93g | たんぱく質: 40.47g | 炭水化物: 173.33g.   朝食: Caffè (Espresso). 昼食: Anguria, Mandorle, Zucca Cotta, Pasta Integrale Secca. 夕食: Zucca, Biffi Guacamole , Pane Comune, Anguria, Formaggio Feta, Olive Verdi Farcite, Insalata Mista Verde, Condimento Italiano (fatto con Aceto e Olio). 軽食/その他: Actimel Actimel Fragola, Caffè (Espresso). もっと...

33 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Your version does look very good. So glad you posted this photo. :-) 
2022年 05月 18日 投稿者: LivinBreezy
What kind of cheese, and how do you make eggplant cream?! 
2022年 05月 18日 投稿者: purple_rose_3
I am intrigued by the eggplant and pumpkin spreads. I really want to know more.  
2022年 05月 18日 投稿者: JohnZerne
@purple_rose_3 @JohnZerne of course! 🙂 I make the eggplant cream by cooking them with tofu. When they are cooked, I add paprika and chilli, garlic, pepper, salt and mint and then blend the mixture. If it is not smooth, I add a little oil and blend again. I make the pumpkin cream by steaming the pumpkin. Then I blend it with pepper, garlic, salt and almonds. If it's not smooth, I add some water. I don't add oil in this case because the taste of extra virgin olive oil is stronger than that of pumpkin. 
2022年 05月 19日 投稿者: @boutMe
@Erq1 @LivingBreezy Thanks 🤩 
2022年 05月 19日 投稿者: @boutMe
@purple_rose_3 in the salad i use feta. I love this cheese. Baked feta is one of my favorite dishes, but it tastes great in salads too. Have you ever tried it? 
2022年 05月 19日 投稿者: @boutMe
Sounds good. I may have to try that soon.  
2022年 05月 19日 投稿者: JohnZerne
Looks delicious! You put a lot of work into that. Very nice! 
2022年 05月 19日 投稿者: losingtowin1





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