I have a bad headache today - not something that usually happens, and I WANT to deal with it by eating donuts and drinking Diet Coke. I DID take two Excedrin, and hopefully they will kick in sometime soon. I have progressed from buying the Mini Rich Frosted Entenmann's donuts to buying the Pop-Em's (chocolate-covered donut holes). Each time I eat one, I make myself do a job around the house. That has really curbed my consumption.

Had my 6-year-old grandson spend the afternoon and overnight with me yesterday. He is a very sweet boy. We haven't had him overnight for about a month, because he is in kindergarten now, and we have grown unaccustomed to the increased noise level when he is here. Sure glad I didn't have this headache while he was here!

My weight has been staying about the same, or going down a tad. Hoping these small changes I'm making will continue to yield positive results.

Hope everyone has a good day!

6 人のサポーター    いいね!   




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