Dinner on Sunday (prepared by my daughter for my husband's birthday) was delicious. She makes the BEST pork roast - so tender, we didn't even have to use knives to cut it!

My weight is actually down more than I recorded today, because of an unexpected cleaning out. I actually lost almost half a pound last week, though. Will miracles never cease!

My husband is officially doing the Price Monitoring jobs with me every morning now. It is a little excruciating for me, because he is much slower than I am and I have to work really hard to not show my impatience. But, I've been doing this every day for three months, so it makes sense that I would be pretty hard to keep up with.

Found out that I really like creme broulee! It's not quite as addicting as the tapioca pudding which I struggled with a couple of years ago. Mmm.. Tapioca Pudding! It's one of the very few desserts I eat without nuts of some kind.

OK, my computer keeps messing up, so I'm going to go so it doesn't delete this message before I send it.

16 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Glad the dinner for your husband's Birthday went well and you were able to enjoy family time together. The little job for both of you sounds so good, and I'm delighted you ran across it to make some extra money. I wonder if they have something like this in Los Angeles. How do you find such a thing? Creme Brule is my husband's favorite dessert. 
2022年 02月 15日 投稿者: Snowwhite100
2022年 02月 15日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
@snowwhite100, to find the Price Monitoring jobs, download the Premise app to your iPhone or Android device. They MAY even pay more for people doing them from California since prices are so much higher out there. 
2022年 02月 16日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins




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