Been battling a sore throat and cough. My daughter was really sick last week and passed out on the floor, which is where my 11 year old grand daughter found her when she got off the school bus. My little grandson (almost 6) was trying to get her up off the floor, and trying to take her pulse (he's SO cute!) Anyway, I think I got this stuff from having to go over there to take care of things that day. Feeling a little better this morning than I did yesterday. I found an old bottle of Promethazine (expired 3 years ago, lol) which I took before bed. That really eased my cough and allowed me to get a good night's sleep. I think I'll live!

God gave us a great blessing last week. We got an "Affordable Care Act" refund from our Anthem insurance on my husband - over $1,000! We had just put our car in the shop that day because it has been overheating and cutting off, and were praying about where we would get the money for repair. The next day, my son's car's engine light came on and we just put it in the shop to get checked out today. God supplies all our needs -- and when our needs change, His supply increases!
101.6 kg これまでの減量分: 15.9 kg.    残り: 33.6 kg.    ダイエット続き: 不十分.
週に1.1 kg減量中

37 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Keep believing and keep faith. Je always delivers 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: PinayRN
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
God? How about taxes? 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: Eral66
Keeping you in prayer. Hope you get to feeling better.  
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: Snowwhite100
God provides for taxes too. 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: yohoyoh
Has been overheating is the optimum word. If it overheats, shut the darn thing off and get it to a reputable mechanic!  
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: lourock1
God is good! 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: rhontique
Good morning Debbie, haven't heard from you lately. Hope all is well. 💜💚💛 
2021年 11月 4日 投稿者: shirfleur 1




Debbie Cousinsの体重の記録

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