Hey y’all 🙋🏻‍♀️💜 Just checking in. I’m kinda sucking at this journey. Hope you are doing well❤️ I’m needing some motivation. This pandemic is getting real old😩 So, I ended up getting some 310 shakes. Anyone like them. Work is so busy now, I’m not getting the nutrition I need. Just trying to survive. Thought I would pop in and say hello.

54 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Never stop dancing Jc, dancing brings joy into our lives.  
2021年 10月 3日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
Bearnoggin 🥰💜💚 
2021年 10月 3日 投稿者: jcmama777
Shirfleur, never🙌💃🏻🕺🏻💛💜💚 
2021年 10月 3日 投稿者: jcmama777
I'm with the others, really nice to hear from you. Keep on dancing 🤍 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: yohoyoh
Hi yohoyo 🤗🙋🏻‍♀️ Thank you ☺️ It’s nice to be back. 💃🏻🕺🏻 What happened? Why are you in a cast💜 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: jcmama777
JC, I can totally relate had to quit my job at the hospital due to too much stress physically and emotionally non stop walking and standing caused me an injury that then led to an AVM diagonosis been home now for 5 months and have gained alot of weight back due to inactivity it really sucks so my life has been put on hold but still beats Covid complications or related death 🤷‍♀️Are you still doing nursing school? Congrats on almost Grama status😊 you're going to be one hot grama😉  
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: tr3vi28
JC, glad to see you back, mama! Need motivation, eh? We're right here for you! It's a new month, new season, new day. You've got this, friend!! 😄😄 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: KAGrimm
Welcome back! I missed seeing your posts. Congratulations on your new grandbaby. 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: larilyn
Great to see you here!  
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: HCB
we missed you!! 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: Asarver
JC, stupid shit involving 🛴. I need to remember I'm not 20 anymore. Btw, I suck worse. I gained all back and then lost and then almost again all back, all within a year. 😳 
2021年 10月 4日 投稿者: yohoyoh
tr3vi28 yes! It’s super cray busy😩! Good for you girlie ❤️ I think my only saving grace is having off MWF. We are seeing 10-15 patients an hour 👀. 80 something to well over 100 and that’s cutting off registration. Yesterday we saw 84, stopped registration at 4…. We open at 8. That’s a light day. We’re so short staffed that my counter part works alone today and I work alone tomorrow 😩😳🤯 They are actually going to do something different though and create a schedule instead of walk in so we are doing like 6 an hour since we are solo. I’m talking a semester off. I just have clinicals, and have already been going at this for years, what’s another semester. I couldn’t imagine working like this and doing school. On the plus side…. I’m finally not homeschooling. That wore me the hell out while working and going to school. Lexie will be 15 weeks tomorrow 🤗❤️ 
2021年 10月 6日 投稿者: jcmama777
Hi KAGrimm 🤗💜 Yes! Definitely need the motivation for sure. Oooohhh…. FedEX just pulled up and I see…. Just one box from 310 😒😂 I’m looking forward to getting started on these shakes. I think it’s the Blend Jet that I keep calling a blendini lol.  
2021年 10月 6日 投稿者: jcmama777
Hi larilyn, HCB, asarver 🤗🙋🏻‍♀️ it’s definitely great to be back! I missed everyone too💜 I’m definitely not going to be able to get on as much as I used to, but, I need to be here for sure💜 
2021年 10月 6日 投稿者: jcmama777
Yohoyo, ouch! Getting older sucks! Hope your healing up nicely!🙏 Yea, I need to post my shame. I completely forgot the other night. Total embarrassment but it is what it is. We got this bro 💪💜 
2021年 10月 6日 投稿者: jcmama777
Hey hon good to see you. No worries just kick each day in the face one at a time. Thanks for checking in.  
2021年 10月 6日 投稿者: HeBrewZ
Hi hebrews 🙋🏻‍♀️🤗 thank you! So nice being back here with everyone ❤️ I am going to punch it in the face💪 I did it before, I can do it again 💯. I have to remember to take care of myself again. I caught myself the other day on FB, cracking a joke about my lower belly. I knew right there, I needed to get back to work and my friends here. It’s not okay to make fat jokes about ourselves. I used to do it all the time along time ago, and it’s just trying to make something funny out of something really depressing, when I have the capability to fix it. It was about my lower belly, and I joked calling it a floatation device in our hot tub. The reality is, it’s gotten worse. The up and down weight gain, it really is like a waist tire, and I will need surgery at some point. But, I need to respect myself, not put myself down💜 
2021年 10月 6日 投稿者: jcmama777
Even deeper than just making fun of ourselves remember today is yesterday's prophecies fulfilled. The word says it's our words that frame our world. When I was 140 I called myself fat as a joke then I hit 195ish the next year. Wasn't pretty. Just a thought.  
2021年 10月 6日 投稿者: HeBrewZ
Plus like i tell my wife who pushed out 4 big head babies you earned every bit of them stretch marks and loose belly. 
2021年 10月 6日 投稿者: HeBrewZ
Absolutely! I am going to speak some positive words back into myself. It’s so true.  
2021年 10月 6日 投稿者: jcmama777





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