Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for my husband's skin cancer surgery. He felt pretty rough for a couple of days, but is doing much better now. They had to cut more than they were expecting to, and then had to cut a bunch more to get skin to cover the incision, BUT his nose doesn't look deformed or anything, PTL.

My twin friends and I took two of my grandchildren to the County Fair last night. We were there from 5pm until it closed at 11pm. The kids had a GREAT time. Jack (5) is in the 99th percentile for height, so he was tall enough to ride all of the "adult" rides, and he LOVED them! He's a real little daredevil. He was also the "star" of an Extreme Illusion act, where the magician laid him on a board held up by two stools, and then removed the stools from under it, and it "floated" in the air. My almost-11-year-old granddaughter thoroughly enjoyed herself, as well.

It was 91 degrees, and we were all sweating like crazy, but later in the evening it cooled to 84, and there was a slight breeze, so it became more tolerable. I had bought a ton of drinks, and we all drank constantly, but in 6 hours, not one of us needed to pee because we sweat out everything we took in!

I just sent the invitations for next week's Daily Accountability Challenge (better late than never). I have over 500 Notifications that I'm not even going to try to catch up on.

Haven't had any motivation lately, and the house is starting to look like it! Eating is still out of control, but I kind of have an "I don't care" attitude right now. I'm sure I'll get back on track sometime in the not-too-distant future - maybe after we finish the amazingly delicious WHOLE Carrot Cake I bought.

29 人のサポーター    いいね!   

How do I get in to the daily accountability challenge?  
2021年 08月 28日 投稿者: crboyer2
I'm pulling for you Debbie, hope you're able to get back on track soon. It's taken me a year, but I'm finally finding my way back. Thank you for setting up the next challenge!  
2021年 08月 28日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
You are handling alot right now. Makes perfect sense that managing your food intake is lower on your priority list. Glad you are getting out with your grandbabies. At times, you have to just eat right? As long as you get some good food in along with the cake that's feeding your soul. I call cake soul food😆 Take care. 
2021年 08月 28日 投稿者: ACBellerose
Sending prayers to you and the hubby 💙🙏💫 
2021年 08月 28日 投稿者: CharlieLovesChaplin
I'm glad the surgery went well, and that he's recovering. 
2021年 08月 30日 投稿者: erikahollister
Stress is a diet killer and don’t I know it!! Glad the hubby is feeling better and that you had a great stress reliever with the grandkids!! God Bless you!! 
2021年 08月 31日 投稿者: bgr12




Debbie Cousinsの体重の記録

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