My Bible reading for today is something that really speaks to me. I have "assigned" reading - some from the Old Testament and some from the New Testament every day. I just "happened" to be here in in 1 Timothy 4 - "They'll tell you not to eat this food or that food - perfectly good food that God created to be eaten heartily and with thanksgiving by believers who know better. Everything God created is good and to be received with thanks." (The Message version of the Bible) I'm not saying this against anybody else's WOE - each person has the right to chose whatever works best for them. As for me, I'm going to try this - trying to concentrate on eating things that God made, and being thankful for His bounty.

23 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Perfect timing! Coincidence??? I think not! 
2021年 06月 26日 投稿者: catwmncat
Amen to that. It's a central tenet of my WOE.  
2021年 06月 26日 投稿者: liz-andra
I fully agree with you on that Debbie! Have a blessed day 
2021年 06月 26日 投稿者: Ange2480
The food that God tells us to eat is natural, not altered by human hands. Those things that He said not to eat in the Old Testament are "dirty" foods and I do believe they are unhealthy for us, even though allowed in the New Testament. I do eat those "dirty" foods however I think twice if they are harming me. Unfortunately, they are some of the tastiest of all: pork, shrimp, lobster, Catfish, and those kinds of things that are scavengers and clean the earth. Processed or "fake" foods are not good for us. Wheat was natural before 100 years ago but now has been hybridized over 1,000 times and is now inflammatory in our bodies. I think about these things but I still eat them. It's hard to be strict. 
2021年 06月 26日 投稿者: Snowwhite100
I think that most of the "forbidden foods" from the Old Testament were things that would be risky without proper refrigeration. Just my opinion.  
2021年 06月 26日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
Debbie Cousins, I think that's exactly right. They weren't safe for the day in which those directions were given. 
2021年 06月 26日 投稿者: liz-andra
I am right there with you Snowwhite. Just do your best for even the pure natural foods that the Lord has given us have been tampered with, don’t kid yourself that something is actually natural. Even my wonderful coffee has been messed with!🥲 I do think the Lord was trying to protect us from getting sick Debbie. All those forbidden foods do have a problem with them, even though they are DELICIOUS! Power to you in your Bible reading, put that armor on. 👍👏👏👏🌺🌸🌼💕 
2021年 06月 26日 投稿者: Shrewdness
Debbie, I have a question. I was able to weigh in today for HealthyWage with help from my neighbor and have received an email that they received my verified weigh-in. That isn't full acceptance, is it?  
2021年 06月 27日 投稿者: Snowwhite100
@Snowwhite100, no the verified weigh-in just means that it is the one we did with the video camera. They still have to validate it by watching it and making sure we are the same person on our driver's license and that it shows the scale clearly, etc. It took Rckc about 3 days to get hers validated. I submitted mine on Friday, so it might take longer with it being before the weekend. You can check to see if the money is in your account by clicking the upper lefthand corner MENU on the app, and under SETTINGS, click on HW POINTS. They'll put all your money in there first, and then you'll decide whether you want to receive it via PayPal (which will keep 2.9%) or have a check sent to you (costs $7 and takes 1-3 weeks to arrive). I'm going to go for the check, just so I will have it actually in my hands to take a picture with and post it on here, LOL. 
2021年 06月 27日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins




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