Got an impressive amount of work done today (for ME!) I vacuumed the whole house and used the Shark Duo (electric mop) on the kitchen and both linoleum entryways. I vacuumed the pool and hung new mesh bags on the side and organized all the toys, snorkels, etc., so they can be easily found. I did my PT at 1:30 in the morning today, and when I finish this, I'm going to go and do another set of each of the 8 exercises. Normally, this amount of work would have taken me at LEAST a week to accomplish. LOVE the energy and motivation I have in fat-burning mode!

18 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Debbie you amaze me. such a testimony to god strengthening us when we need it. it's in Him we live move and have our being. what a blessing to follow this leg of your journey. thanks for sharing  
2021年 05月 31日 投稿者: HeBrewZ
Thanks @hebrews1036, it's been a good lesson in relying DAILY on God's provision and strength. "When I am weak, then I am strong. His strength is made perfect in weakness."  
2021年 06月 1日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins




Debbie Cousinsの体重の記録

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