Time to seriously review what my priorities are now.

Prior to blowing up like Violet in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, I wore sizes 2 & 4, ate only when I got hungry (and remembered to eat), and ran several times a week. Given the choice between buying an item that would last vs. buying food for the week, my money always went for the inedible thing.

I was back to this old habit this month when I blew 75% of my monthly food budget on 4 bottles of perfume. The scale is wobbling between 135-136, and I'm now only 10-11 pounds away from my ideal weight (according to the insurance/doctors' chart). Figure if I don't have any funds to buy food, I'll be less tempted, and besides -- the last 10 pounds are always the hardest to lose.

With only $38 in hand to spend on groceries, I headed to the market for much-needed olive oil and fresh fruit. Walking in the door I am greeted by the floral department, which displayed the most breathtaking pots of turquoise and baby pink orchids. It took me a full 5 minutes to finally put the $33 pot back on the shelf and move on to the olive oil aisle.

Two years ago I would have simply bought the orchids and a bunch of ripe and green bananas and called it done. So apparently I'm still struggling with letting go of my fat ways. I did good on the perfume, but not on the flowers.

Weighing in tomorrow morning to get a grip on the convictions.

Happy Thursday, everyone!

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