I saw a movie last night that caused a craving: grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup. I haven't made that in years, and it has to rank in my top 5 comfort foods of all time. So this morning I ordered in groceries and made it for a late lunch.

Normally my diet resembles a vegan's, with only about one day a week giving into the temptation of cheese or products made with eggs (like bread. Bread is never in the house). Today I enjoyed every gooey pull on the swiss cheese, dipping it into the salty red soup. Ahhhhhh.

Breakfast was healthy, though: black coffee and a peach so sweet, ripe and bursting that I had to eat it over the sink. Four more of those treats are waiting in my fruit bowl.

Just love summertime produce. And now for a 3 mile evening walk to burn a bit of it off!

6 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Your peach sounds wonderful. The tomato soup and swiss cheese sounds good.  
2020年 08月 23日 投稿者: kattay





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