Today at work (well, during the Zoom meeting) my boss announced that we would not be coming back into the office before the New Year. Likely not before the general population gets vaccinated (so we're looking at next summer, to be realistic).

I drifted off in my head and fantasized about what I would look like in 6-12 months, when all my co-workers go back in and you can see everyone from head to toe.

I WILL look thin and fabulous (stomps foot, punches the air). I WILL have flat stomach, no back fat, carved cheekbones, cut muscles, new wardrobe, new hairstyle.

That's a promise to myself, and I'm putting it Out There. I've just been handed several months to discreetly put my body in order, courtesy of Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Big Deals making the calls at my office. Covid-19 is the Lemons, 50 pounds gone is the Lemonade!

26 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Yes!!! Love your attitude!! You will knock 'em out!! 🎯 
2020年 07月 30日 投稿者: kattay
Thanks, Kattay! I just couldn't focus on the meeting once I played out the possibilities -- being in isolation away from co-workers is like going away to Fat Camp and returning as a whole new person. I'm truly psyched about the opportunity that just landed in my lap! 
2020年 07月 30日 投稿者: JustBananas
Go for it! Great attitude 😊 you got this 💪 good luck! 
2020年 07月 31日 投稿者: Nutricali
great goal. and so rewarding. we're rooting for you.  
2020年 07月 31日 投稿者: one.point.O
Love the goal it is a fantastic feeling running into someone you haven't seen in a while and they rave about how great I look. When you go back to work buy yourself an amazing outfit. It will make the day extra special ☺️ 
2020年 07月 31日 投稿者: deborahkerr
Thanks everyone! @Deborah: I plan on buying a whole new wardrobe, since losing 50 pounds (or about 5 dress sizes) will mean that everything will need replacing. YAY!!! 
2020年 07月 31日 投稿者: JustBananas
Officially copying your goal! 💜 I live in the New York Metro area and based on the feedback my employer’s provided I don’t think I’ll be back in the office for another 2-3 months which is enough time to go down a dress size or 2! 
2020年 08月 1日 投稿者: MsJay_Get_Fit





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