I'm so happy to see so many of you forging ahead and being successful in the Daily Accountability Challenges! It is an encouragement to me that, even though I am "off the wagon" you all are galloping along and throwing me a rope to grab onto. YOUR success gives me great joy! Keep up the good work, everyone, and don't write me off! I'll be back, I promise!
111.4 kg これまでの減量分: 6.1 kg.    残り: 43.3 kg.    ダイエット続き: 不十分.

11 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Are the challenges only on the PC version? I haven't figured out how to get to them from my phone. 
2020年 07月 22日 投稿者: warofart
You have been so consistent in inviting us each week, and if I don't respond right away, you send another message. It keeps me coming back, and at least partially on track, and I'm sure I'm doing much better in the midst of our strange times than I would have done without the accountability of this challenge. You help us. 
2020年 07月 22日 投稿者: metamora




Debbie Cousinsの体重の記録

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