Well, I set this year's record on my walking - 1.2 miles today, about 1/4 of a mile of it steeply UPhill! Last week, my total for the week was exactly 3 miles, and this week it's 4.5 miles! That's a 50% improvement over last week! I'm thankful that, after being diagnosed with a heel spur in my achilles tendon, I've been able to INCREASE my exercise! I'm claiming total healing from God - it's still in the making, and I'm still taking the anti-inflammatory pills, but it's coming!

I praise the Lord that the Danish Kringle (yes ANOTHER one) that my friend gave me today is not as delicious as was the first one -- this one is Birthday Cake flavor whereas the other one was almond. At first, I had told her, "NO!" I wouldn't take it because I knew how much temptation it would be, but my husband really WANTED it, so I conceded. (She didn't buy it specifically for me as she had with the other one -- this one was one she had gotten that she didn't care for.)

I've been going through a book called "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne - it is a 28-day program, basically on Gratitude! Each day, we are given different assignments, but EVERY day, we are to list ten things we are thankful for. Already, I've completed 7 days, and have listed 80 DIFFERENT things I'm thankful for! It is truly helping me to become more aware of all the things I have for which to be grateful!

I'm also thankful that, quite unintentionally (and therefore painlessly), I have decreased my daily calorie intake from under 2,000 on Monday and Tuesday, to under 1,700 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, to under 1,600 yesterday, and it looks like today is going to end up being just over 1,300. Went out to lunch with a friend and I had grilled eggplant with tomato slices and Brie on a leaf of lettuce (hold the toast and the fried potatoes!). Total lunch was only 128 calories and just over 6 grams of Net Carbs. Didn't know where we were going ahead of time so couldn't "plan," but I feel like I made the very BEST choice on the menu!

I hope you all don't think that I am "bragging" when I share these sorts of things! Believe me, I don't feel like IIII can take the credit for my recent victories! I have affirming positive things and praying, and God has been blessing with victories that "normally" I would not have been able to acquire. All praise to the Lord!!!

1328 kcal 脂質: 94.23g | たんぱく質: 61.86g | 炭水化物: 54.42g.   朝食: Avocados, Oscar Mayer Center Cut Bacon, Great Value Shredded Mild Cheddar Cheese, Eggland's Best Large Grade A Eggs, Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Herbal Tea, Truvia Sweetener (Packet), Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream. 昼食: Wendy's Tomato (1 Slice), Brie Cheese, Cooked Eggplant (Fat Not Added in Cooking). 夕食: Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Herbal Tea, Truvia Sweetener (Packet), Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream, Chicken Super Soup. 軽食/その他: Atkins Caramel Chocolate Nut Roll Bar (Sugar Alcohols Removed), Atkins Endulge Chocolate Coconut Bar (MINUS Sugar Alcohol). もっと...
3367 kcal 運動: 歩く(ゆっくり) - 時速3km - 35 分, 家事 - 10 分, 立つ - 20 分, 運転 - 1 時間   30 分, 勉強 - 6 時間   15 分, 睡眠 - 9 時間, 休憩 - 1 時間   30 分, 料理 - 10 分, 座る - 3 時間   30 分, 読む - 1 時間. もっと...

10 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Great work!!! It’s sounds like you are working hard towards your goal. 🙏❤️ 
2020年 01月 12日 投稿者: ocean_girl
Awesome! The book you are going through sounds cool! I love to make lists, so I might just try it!  
2020年 01月 12日 投稿者: batman110816
You have victories and we love it that you share them! Congratulations on your progress. 
2020年 01月 12日 投稿者: metamora




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