Day 3 of a planned 5 day fast

If I wasn't fasting I would give up, seriously.

My body wants to be at 180 pounds.

I got on the scale this morning after two really good fasting days and when I still had not lost all the weight from my weekend binging, I felt like I should just let my body be 180 pounds and call it a day.

I believe the cause is my food binging. This weekend I ate until I was 'over stuffed. I REALLY try hard to control my eating but except for these past two months I have been obese ALL my adult life. I haven't controlled my eating in the past, I continue to try, but, I-am-unable-to-do-it :(

As far as my weight gain, the only criticism that I am sensitive to is the belief that "you need to eat to keep your metabolism up to burn calories." Even if this were true, when I eat I eat too much. An obese guy eating "to keep my metabolism up so I can lose weight" is something that I TRIED for years (see my 8 year history on this site) and it hasn't worked, so I stopped doing it.

The only time I don't over eat is when I am fasting.

Anyway, I took a look at my numbers for the past 20 days:

June 22-June 30th (10 days)
367 carbs
6639 calories

July 1st-July 10 (10 days)
468 carbs
9765 calories

Now this site:


◾Men ages 19 to 30 burn 2,400 to 2,600 calories daily
◾Men between the ages of 31 and 50 burn 2,200 to 2,400 calories
◾Men older than 50 burn about 2,000 to 2,200 calories each day.

I'm practically 50, and lets say my metabolism is 'screwed up' and I only burn 1500 calories a day.

This means that in 10 days I should burn 15,000 calories
As I can see, during each period I had a calorie deficit.
Yet, during both 10 day periods I STILL gained weight (I went from 178 to my preset 182).

Now, I do believe that it is 'water water everywhere'. I am going on a 5 mile run and when I get back I usually drop 2-3 pounds. Then later in the day I usually gain it back. So I firmly believe that there is a '8-10 pound water weight' involved.

But, I have been trying to DIET, and in 20 days I am not losing weight.

I believe the problem is that I have consumed an average of 40 carbs a day. I believe that I need to get this down to around 20. I believe that I CAN do it by fasting more days in the week (currently it is 5).

So I have these choices:

1) Give up
2) Try to eat more to boost my metabolism so I will burn more calories and lose weight
3) Keep fasting (for the rest of my life)

For now I'm sticking with #3

I always try to remind myself to be humble, and a humble person is able to feel gratitude. The main thing I should be grateful for is that I am no longer obese! Not a day goes by where people don't comment on my weight loss, and most usually ask if I am done.

So, I am not going to give up. I am going to stay the course. Let's see how the rest of this week plays out.

I'm going to go for a 5 mile run...
82.6 kg これまでの減量分: 11.3 kg.    残り: 8.2 kg.    ダイエット続き: 100%.

55 kcal 脂質: 0.00g | たんぱく質: 12.00g | 炭水化物: 1.50g.   朝食: Quest Vanilla Milkshake Protein Powder. もっと...
2917 kcal 運動: 歩く(ふつう) - 時速5km - 1 時間   30 分, 走る(ジョギング) - 時速8km - 1 時間, 休憩 - 13 時間   30 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...
週に1.1 kg増量中

29 人のサポーター    いいね!   

dont give up! im right there with you, ive been binging and gained a couple back. im hoping to do a 3 day fast. 15 hours in. its a mental game.  
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: kaylinrenee
@kaylinrenee - Thank you for the support! That's why I like this site, I know there are others going through the same 'mental game'. Let's support each other :) 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: adefwebserver
adef, you can figure this out. Some of us need to take a more in depth approach, because we're special. 😉 Seriously, I understand it can be so frustrating, but as long as you are working on it, it will happen. Listening to your body, (this concept is really pushed on women) is a learning process, so it takes time. Of course everyone is different, so figuring out what's best for you takes so much more than simply following one WOE, and may involve a combo of methods. I know you'll be fine. I admire your attitude. 😊👍 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: Becc@
In my humble opinion 180 pounds is amazing! Dont beat yourself up over a few pounds. If you have been obese and are not anymore that is awesome, enjoy it!  
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: AngieBarnette
I know just what you mean. I think that the longer you've been obese the longer it takes to re-set your 'natural' weight. You keep bouncing back until one day - you don't and your body lets you move on downwards a bit and then you start again with a lower set-point that you have to move all over again. 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: minitata
when are you eating these 40 gm's of carbs, during your fasts?? I am guessing on your refeeds if you are non stop eating you are getting higher than 40. Just trying to follow here.  
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: baskington
@minitata, I think my metabolism is in a coma! 😁😄😅 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: Becc@
I like that you aren't doing #1! You inspire others, so I am glad you decided to keep going! 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: RiverRes
I try to eat high volume, low cal food to satisfy the urge to have a continuous feed. Glad to hear you are moving forward with your plan to a healthier you. 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: abbadabba
I can relate to your post. I'm trying to cut carbs. I might try fasting as a last resort for me. I believe food is medicine...whole food that is. 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: rmacle
Have you tried therapy? I don’t mean this in a derogatory way. You are working way to hard for this, and have still not been able to overcome those binging issues in order to successfully reach your goals.. 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: Kenna Morton
I have trouble with weekend bingeing as well. Also emotions, yesterday was stressful so I ate what I wanted. Of course today I regret that.... 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: Toni Bourlon
I sort of agree with Kenna, I think maybe a dietitian would be the way to go. everyone is different, and working out and not eating enough doesn't work for me. 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: Yasmine15585
@Kenna Morton - Currently I am following Dr. Fung's advice to balance 'fasting' with 'feasting'. I see my current problem as "too many cars when I do fast". So I am trying to see if this gets me better results. 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: adefwebserver
Becc@, AngieBarnette - Thanks! 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@minitata - I agree :) 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@baskington - I am consuming a number of those carbs on the fast! This week I have done much better. However, I was just doing the best I could. I can do no solid food for 11 days, no problem, but water only? Like some people on this site? Man, my hat is off to them! These people are rock stars :) My sister is one of them. She just did 10 days water only and then extended it! 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@rmacle - I did not think I could fast until I tried it.  
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@Taurielfan - Normally emotions are my trigger. But, this weekend it was just 'I started eating' :) 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: adefwebserver
@RiverRes - Thanks! Mostly, I am out of options! So far it has been working. Hoping I just need to 'tweak it a bit' (bring the carbs down). 
2018年 07月 11日 投稿者: adefwebserver





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