49.4 kg これまでの減量分: 9.6 kg.    残り: 2.4 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1346 kcal 脂質: 37.33g | たんぱく質: 72.86g | 炭水化物: 185.07g.   昼食: 豚もも肉の薄切り(脂肪分約11%), よつ葉 北海道 十勝 軽やかしぼり, 乾燥ゴマ, 大豆,  カンパーニュ風パン, 菊田食品 江別の大豆でつくった うの花, 食品成分データベース さつまいも 皮付き 蒸し, 鶏胸肉(皮なし), コーヒー, トップバリュー もやし. 夕食: ヨコオデイリーフーズ 田舎っぺ こんにゃく, 味の素 ほんだし, ごぼう, ニンジン, 玉ねぎ, 切り干し大根,  干し海老, ごま油, 長ねぎ, 醤油, 日本酒, 砂糖, 鶏がらスープストック, だいこん, 味の素 甜麺醤, ユウキ食品 四川豆板醤, にんにく, S&B 生しょうが, 生姜,  生唐辛子, 山西老陳酢 黒酢, 白菜, にら, 小松菜, 菊田食品 江別の大豆でつくった うの花, マダラ. 軽食/その他: 業務スーパー カフェインレスコーヒー, ナウフーズ ホール サイリウム ハスク, ハーゲンダッツ チェリーカスタードパイ, 神戸屋 マーブルチョコパン. もっと...
1544 kcal 運動: ショッピング - 1 時間, 歩く(早足) - 時速6.5km - 40 分, ストレッチ - 20 分, 料理 - 1 時間, 休憩 - 13 時間, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...
週に0.7 kg減量中

1名の支持者    いいね!   

I monitor NHK news english everyday. I saw news about em’cy closure of schools in Hokkaido. I think governor is doing right thing.  
2020年 03月 2日 投稿者: hobodon (호주부)
We don't know if it's good for us yet. schools are shut down despite the claims of the medical professionals employed by the gov that no serious infection will happen among children and no official study support is provided yet. Some parents cannot go to their workplaces including hospitals because they have to take care of their children at home, thanks to no official child care (and now the government say that unofficial nurseries and after-school childcare places for infants and pupils should be open to look after all of the kids🤔) some people have to close their business for a while, but they are not likely to get any compensation for that.  
2020年 03月 2日 投稿者: Minminp
This disease has low fatality rate (0.5% in Korea, and similar figure in China excluding Wuhan), but it could be more critical to the elderly people, especially the ones with hypertension, diabetes, liver and kidney problems. By today, 29 people died in Korea. Almost all are in 7-80s with those health issues. Only 2 people were in 4-50s...🙏 
2020年 03月 3日 投稿者: hobodon (호주부)
I'm sorry for the people who have gone for it. some parents here are very afraid of their kids with health problems could be infected and that would be fatal 😔 
2020年 03月 3日 投稿者: Minminp
Now I see the news it has become 31 people... 7-80s again... Korea has the same issue about child care. Very difficult situation... 🙏 
2020年 03月 3日 投稿者: hobodon (호주부)





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